oh dear.

Dec 26, 2008 14:38

Hope everyone had a merry christmas! I'm not sure what happened but due to some rather potent eggnog the majority of my family spent most of christmas in a drunken stupor. This...has never happened with my family before so that was entertaining... I also found out that my cousin can down a beer in four seconds. My brother and I had a fit of ( Read more... )

doctor who, drunken escapades, it was the eggnog, vegetarianism, family, christmas

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Comments 3

teahweah December 27 2008, 02:17:56 UTC
How come you didn't picked out the meat from the vegetables?

I LOVE YOUUU. We have to talk about... nonsensical stuff soon!


alawston December 27 2008, 09:28:03 UTC
Did I remember to send you a message about the letter I got from the RSC saying Tennant was really really hopeful about appearing in the final performances of Hamlet? If not, consider yourself exciterpated.


onionsarelife December 28 2008, 05:28:37 UTC
you did send me this message! and I am quite exciterpated!! man, all of this is so close it is insane!


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