There are few things in my life that are true weaknesses.
And when I say weaknesses I do not mean something I just like...something that I see and am like OH MY GOD I LOVE THAT.
I am talking about things I see that totally cause me to lose all former common sense that I once had.
Weakness discussion and Totally Shameless Fangirly Picspam...but its OH SO GOOD )
Comments 6
Seriously, they badly need to bring back pinstripes and suits for boys. Period clothing makes anyone like eight thousand times hotter. *fans self*
Any man who deems to wear pinstripes will then become 80% hotter regardless of previous elements of hotness.
and i have to admit that car is pretty damn good too. but the pinstripes have distracted me from the car DO YOU SEE WHAT THIS DOES TO ME??
now its the one in my icon :P
That's the coolest ever.
I love fangirl!Lana. Which is, like, all the time.
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