Many of you who also follow Amy's journal know that our oldest cat, Penelope, passed away this week. Amy & I have cried together a lot and also distracted ourselves a lot. Right now, I'm still not up for talking about it publicly
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You should borrow the iPod and listen to the song while the procedure is underway! I found that having something distracting to listen to during the procedure was a Good Thing (TM). Not sure if your doc will offer, but if s/he does offer a mirror so you can watch the procedure, you might consider saying yes. I said no, but I now regret not having taken the opportunity to see surgery on myself as it happens.
Actually, I was pretty out of it. They put me on a drip IV with some twilight-type stuff. They say I responded and interacted with them during the procedure, but since the drugs they used also included stuff that has amnesiac qualities, I don't remember anything at all from the time they wheeled me into the room.
Well, I know I had the endoscopic procedure done, but they also had a anaesthesiologist on hand. So, I guess he was permitted to doll out the good stuff. They put me on antibiotics a couple of days before and I'll be on them for a few more days. I had to stop taking my vitamins and any pain relievers for a week before hand to prevent any blood-thinning agents.
From what I saw looking at local doctors, almost everybody does the procedure a little differently. I mean, when my brother had his done, his doctor pulled the vas defrens out to show him and offered him the opportunity to cut it himself.
it is possible that it's longer than a few days. Just speaking from the experience of watching Frank. He believed he'd be up and running in a couple of days and ... that wasnt' so true. Just letting you know the range of normal may be longer than 48 hrs. *GRIN*
Good luck, best wishes, and may the swelling subside quickly!
Oh, I'm sure it'll be rough for a while. I'm just hoping that the I only need to keep the ice on and worry about swelling for a short period of time. They told me to avoid any strenuous activity for a week (Amy was amused by the "This includes no intercourse for a week, but then you need to ejaculate 3-4 times a week for the next 10 weeks" advice from my doctor), but I'll take it easy for a while after that.
Thank you. I appreciate your kind words here and in Amy's journal. It's difficult to express to other people what the loss of a beloved long-time pet is like, especially when you've chosen not to have children.
And the vasectomy went really well. I'm still a little loopy though from the drip IV stuff and the pain killers they gave me afterwords.
Comments 12
You should borrow the iPod and listen to the song while the procedure is underway! I found that having something distracting to listen to during the procedure was a Good Thing (TM). Not sure if your doc will offer, but if s/he does offer a mirror so you can watch the procedure, you might consider saying yes. I said no, but I now regret not having taken the opportunity to see surgery on myself as it happens.
From what I saw looking at local doctors, almost everybody does the procedure a little differently. I mean, when my brother had his done, his doctor pulled the vas defrens out to show him and offered him the opportunity to cut it himself.
Good luck, best wishes, and may the swelling subside quickly!
Happy to see a post from you.
So very sorry about Penelope.
Good luck with the vasectomy!
And the vasectomy went really well. I'm still a little loopy though from the drip IV stuff and the pain killers they gave me afterwords.
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