Title: Soda-Pop Romance. Author: fictionallies Pairing: Gerard/Frank. Rating: PG13. Summary: Even though they're really flawed and overly complicated, it's still a soda-pop romance to Gerard.
This is amazing! It's - it's just so - don't know - damn good, and lovable, and you should totally continue this! I want to know if Frank will decide to bring the relationship with Gee to official level. Whatever, it's good the way it is!
I'm not sure if, when, or how this'll be continued, but I'm thinking of doing some stuff set around their whole relationship and stuff and yeah. I dunno. x]
I want to know if Frank's gonna make it official too, haha!
Comments 12
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Um, I'm not really into Muse, but they're okay. :)
And thankyou so much for the comment!
Whatever, it's good the way it is!
I'm not sure if, when, or how this'll be continued, but I'm thinking of doing some stuff set around their whole relationship and stuff and yeah. I dunno. x]
I want to know if Frank's gonna make it official too, haha!
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