"Jousting" - (Belated) Birthday Fic for May

May 13, 2008 18:59

Happy Birthday, May! Here is a quite belated fic for you.

Title: Jousting
Rating: all ages
Word Count: 2038
Summary: An unusual acquaintance from the Riders teaches Keladry of Mindelan a thing or two about playing at soldiers, literally and figuratively.

Lord Wyldon would have had a heart attack by now... )

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Comments 6

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onetrickponies May 19 2008, 20:52:48 UTC
Thank you! My Kel needs work, but I agree that will come with more practice. I really got into the pairing while writing this, so there's a possibility I'll be getting more of that practice! ;)


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onetrickponies May 19 2008, 20:59:22 UTC
Thanks! I just had to put the humor in there as soon as I saw the opportunity. What else would come of a Rider going up against a knight? And if it were Evin? My mind just took off with what a former player would do given that sort of stage to play on!

I really got interested in the pairing while I was writing this. It was like digging up a hunk of dirt and pulling off clumps to find a diamond underneath, each facet shining through and making me want to explore a different part of what could be in the pairing. They're an interesting pair of people to stick together and as you pointed out, I really like the idea of how Kel would disapprove of Evin on a professional level. I think he'd have a lot to teach her about living life if she'd get over her stubborn first-perceptions-set-the-tone-for-future-encounters idea, which is kind of what I was aiming for here. At least, the beginnings of that theme.

Thanks for the push into a new ship to explore, and happy belated birthday! :)


*Squeals!* fyrethief May 24 2008, 12:26:30 UTC
Eeee! This fic was just Win! Because it had jousting, and Raoul, and Raoul-jousting, and Evin and knightly stuff and - guh! >.< To be honest, the jousting alone did it for me. :D And the fact that it was silly jousting, too. The imagery was wonderful in that bit - I could really perfectly picture professional Raoul on his massive warhorse, up against this fool in bright colours, tassels, and a little-by-comparison pony. I was so distracted by it all, I didn't even guess it was Evin! *facepalm*

The Evin-Kel interaction was wonderful too - you always write Evin so well! (And Kel seemed absolutely fine to me, too.) He's just so much fun. :) Personally I don't really see them as much of a couple (oh dear, is it wrong of me to be more intrigued by Evin/Raoul than Evin/Kel?) but you've got me very curious about their potential friendship -- particularly Evin 'teaching' Kel to lighten up and live more.

For some reason the little lines like this (and the introductory description): “I’m a Rider. I don’t carry a sword.” made me absolutely ( ... )


Re: *Squeals!* onetrickponies May 24 2008, 20:27:51 UTC
Hee, thanks! I had a lot of fun writing this, especially the jousting scene. There's got to be no better job than to think "now what else can I do to make this ridiculous?" and be taken seriously! Even the Kel and Evin bits were fun to write. I'd never considered Kel/Evin before, but's a fun pair of characters to throw together and see what happens, like two chemicals reacting, be it purely platonic or romantic (though I haven't quite worked up to that bit myself, I'm quite set in my Miri/Evin ways...). Still, quite fun to play around with and I might have to play some more in the future. I realize I tend to like writing playful characters, and Kel doesn't have much of a playful side, so she's harder for me to write.

Don't know if that's actually a real play, but it made me think of "Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter."

Ha, you caught me! There are a definite couple of nods to Shakespeare in here, and "Ethelbert and the Pirate" was directly snitched from that. Brownie points for you! :)

(I love your fangirly review! It was ( ... )


Re: *Squeals!* fyrethief May 25 2008, 09:29:54 UTC
I'm quite set in my Miri/Evin ways Haha, bless you! Well, have some back-up Miri/Evin you can write if you try to write Kel/Evin and it goes horribly wrong. ;)

You're good with playful characters. Are you at all playful/witty yourself, in 'real life'? I always struggle with them myself - Evin, Neal, Raoul - and I think it's cos I don't have much of a playful side.

...nods to Shakespeare - I thought there were! I was sure I recognised this bit for starters: A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse, and I but a lonely player upon the stage of the world - but my Shakespeare is regrettably very poor. But yay for Brownie points! :)

Expect a TP fic from me very soon. May's very belated birthday present, actually. I spent most of yesterday afternoon trying to re-write it until my peace (and the rest of my day) was sabotaged by housemates. I am SO out of practice both with writing and this fandom! Guh. (Which is kinda why I went in search of fics to read, and found this. :))


Re: *Squeals!* onetrickponies June 2 2008, 04:23:57 UTC
Are you at all playful/witty yourself, in 'real life'?

Hmm...I suppose it is a facet of my personality. I enjoy humor and snark. My favorite films are crime capers and comedies and I enjoy stand-up comedy, witty quotes, etc.

Oh Shakespeare, how you influence us so! I believe I stole those references from "As You Like It" and "Richard III," although I will admit that the idea for the "my kingdom for a horse" line was inspired by the film Robin Hood: Men in Tights when Robin Hood uses it. (Annnnnd back to the playful/witty personality thing. lol!)

Yay for fic! I saw it's been posted, but I've been sadly slow in keeping up with things. I must read it soon!


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