Title: 10 Conversations That Could Have Gone Differently (Part 1)
Author: Briy
Pairing: Sungmin-centric
Genre: Angst
Summary: Sungmin has some things to say.
A/N: Written around the time of Bonamana live performances, if that tells you anything.
10 Conversations )
Comments 33
Dunno if you meant it this way, but the angst seems to increase with each conversation.
Nothing bad about this. If your genre is angst then might as well go for the kill and pile it up.
And angst-immersedMin just makes him more loved than ever.
tbh I was pretty angry about the lack of screentime sungmin got through the entire period of the bonamana promotions, especially when they had to shorten the song for broadcasts. like he doesn't have a lack of screentime already. I also wanted to shoot his stylists. /rants
ok now that I'm done showing off my butthurt to random strangers. the angstttttt. is he doing all of this so that maybe somebody will notice and want to change his mind? my heart hurts, but I look forward to the next five.
ahahaha, agree. i was so emo for him during that period, becauase kyuhyun was gone, and when he would sing kyuhyun's english part and make that 'i'm doing it wrong' face, arghhhhh. literally, loving so much that it hurts. aches.
thank you for the comment. :D stupid hanchul got in the way of me finishing the second half, but now that that is out of my system...
HE WAS SO EMO, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT BIT D: his sadfacing :(((( and his subsequent moping during the end credits ;_; I wanted to hug him and feed him chocolate. I didn't think he did a bad job at all and he was obviously beating himself up so badly for it >.> SUNGMIN YOU ARE (ALMOST) PERFECT AND IT IS OKAY etc. \o/ now I sound like a crazy fan, sorry.
hanchul tend to get in the way of everything, like me living life like a rational human being ♥
oh, randomly, because I'm rewatching No Other right now, ARMS ARMS ARMS so many pairs of sculpted arms /distracted for life.
i know! i was traumatized by him being so emo, and it was summer, so i had lots of time to sit around and actively fret about him, the awfulness of it. he IS almost perfect, it's totally okay to be a crazy fan, because when it comes to sungmin, i am perpetually walking the line of insanity, he drives me to it. i'm going to go rewatch his ridiculous magician moment on star king, to see him being vampy and sexy and ridiculously awesome.
This is lovely and tragic and I can hardly wait to see what you will do.
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