Title: Addiction Pairing: NamixVivi Rating: G Theme: Addiction Word count: 300 Notes: Originally written for onepiece_300 but fits in with the second to last topic. Hope that's okay!
RE: getting the place started againdethoratsApril 7 2009, 07:59:58 UTC
Well, I know I wouldn't mind writing here again BUT at the moment I'm in the midst of the race to the end of the semester so I won't be participating at least until the end of May. I dunno. Maybe wait and see if anyone else replies?
Uh, forget my last comment, haha. I've sent a message to the maintainer of the community to ask about a new prompt and am waiting for a response... I don't know if I'll get one but it was at least worth trying, right?
Comments 6
Is a one-year bump a bit too much to ask?
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