Fffff! Yes this is wonderful! I have a friend who is a cook and she's just like this; making sure that none of the ingredients go to waste to make sure everything gets used before any of it goes bad. And knowing Sanji's history with food and whatnot I can totally see this as part of his general routine. I also love the little tidbits of nakamaship here for the guys - cotton candy for Chopper, pre-prepared snacks for Luffy, wine for Zoro. It's perfectly characterized~ And of course excellent use of prompt!
Comments 3
Good old Sanji the tsundere. <3
I also love the little tidbits of nakamaship here for the guys - cotton candy for Chopper, pre-prepared snacks for Luffy, wine for Zoro. It's perfectly characterized~ And of course excellent use of prompt!
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