Title: Treasure is Not Gold Prompt: Special Media: Fic Characters: All the Straw Hats Rating: K Word Count: 274 Notes: This was ridiculously hard to write, but I couldn't be more pleased with the result.
Nice one! I like how you subtly weaved all of the Straw Hats into this. Sanji's part is my fav. Or maybe it's because I have a soft spot for Sanji. Anyway, I think it's well-written.
"Nimble fingers seek ripeness in the globe-like fruit; is this what a map of the world could be?" I also really like that line. It forms a link between Nami's mikan and the map of the world that I never considered before.
That Brook's section is dedicated to his hair made me laugh. So cute!
And I see what you did there with the beginning of each line! It's a nice touch.
Haha I liked how Sanji's came out! And it's alright if you have a personal basis - if you couldn't guess by now I have one for Usopp. My personal favorites from this though are, ironically, Nami and Brooks xD When I was writing this their sections came the most naturally and easily. Everyone else I struggled with in some way. Especially Zoro's. I rewrote Zoro's lines like fifty times *hits head on floor*. I don't even know why his was so hard to write. And if it wasn't the strawhats themselves, it was the letters - U, I and O I had to drag a dictionary over for to see what words start with them.
Comments 4
"Nimble fingers seek ripeness in the globe-like fruit; is this what a map of the world could be?"
I also really like that line. It forms a link between Nami's mikan and the map of the world that I never considered before.
That Brook's section is dedicated to his hair made me laugh. So cute!
And I see what you did there with the beginning of each line! It's a nice touch.
Great job with this! :D
Everyone else I struggled with in some way. Especially Zoro's. I rewrote Zoro's lines like fifty times *hits head on floor*. I don't even know why his was so hard to write. And if it wasn't the strawhats themselves, it was the letters - U, I and O I had to drag a dictionary over for to see what words start with them.
Anyways enough of my ramblings xD Thanks so much!
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