ღ Seventh Keychain ღ Loss

Sep 22, 2011 00:40

[No. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. This just can't be--

The dreamscape this time around is dark. It's a twisted world, a strange pit that loosely resembles his childhood home of Destiny Islands. And he's just... Sitting there. Injured, to reflect the hard battle he fought back in the waking world. But it hadn't been enough, and ( Read more... )

!theme: september '11, ∞ roxas [v1], ∞ riku [v1], ∞ sora [v2], aerith gainsborough [v1], ami mizuno [v2]

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Comments 69

waterfell September 22 2011, 05:52:05 UTC
[In the Darkness, she is there; as if she'd leave him alone. Mercury calls him by name, to gain his attention, to reaffirm who he truly is; perhaps both.]



reverse_destiny September 22 2011, 06:33:14 UTC
[The voice shakes him, and suddenly, he finds there are tears in his eyes. He tilts his head down to hide them, not having the strength to reach up and wipe them away.]

H-Hey, Ami.


waterfell September 22 2011, 06:37:09 UTC
[She steps closer. She's so bad at this sort of thing; she wonders sometimes if perhaps she simply doesn't have feelings left to make those feelings reach someone else.

Right now, she wants the right thing to say despite that lack of expectation of being able to find it. She steps closer still, looks at him for a long moment.

Then she holds out a small blue handkerchief, wordlessly, holding it where he's sure to see it. It's a start.]


reverse_destiny September 22 2011, 23:57:27 UTC
[He reaches for the handkerchief at first, but then changes his mind. Instead, he reaches up and grips her wrist. He's shaking, afraid, trying not to let the fear out into the open. Even though he whispers it.]

I'm scared.


auncyenhalig September 22 2011, 18:26:13 UTC
Really...? [ She crouches by him, aware of the dream but still uneasy about the red peeking through his shirt. ] You're hurt.


reverse_destiny September 22 2011, 23:55:54 UTC

[But he doesn't seem to care. Worse had happened than hurting. Much worse.]

...I... I'll be okay, though.

[Even though his voice cracks from uncertainty. Had anyone ever come back from losing their heart? He's not sure...]


auncyenhalig September 24 2011, 16:39:41 UTC
Do you believe that? [ She sits beside him, their shoulders close, looking at him sadly. ] You shouldn't say that unless you really believe it.

[ She reaches her arm up, hugging him around the shoulder. He's just like Sora...but even younger. Another Sora? Whoever it is, she doesn't like seeing anyone in pain, especially someone so young. ]


reverse_destiny September 24 2011, 16:46:03 UTC

[He tenses when she gives him the hug. Contact like this isn't something he's used to. It's strange, and takes a moment to get used to, but then he's leaning on her. She's providing comfort, something he hasn't had in large doses until lately.]


vacationisalie September 26 2011, 12:40:14 UTC
[It's been too long.]

[He's missed out, and Sora's paid the price.]


[He starts walking towards him, then trotting. Breaks into a run, skidding in the gravel and sliding down to Sora's side, pulling him into a fierce hug. Holding him close and keeping him safe, keeping him safe why, why could he keep him safe?]

It's okay. It's okay.

You're okay, Sora.

You're fine.


reverse_destiny September 26 2011, 13:02:58 UTC
[He nearly jumps when those arms go around him, but it's comfortable. It's Roxas and that means he's safe and comfortable and everything is okay now. He buries his face in his friend's should, trying not to let the tears fall. He has to be strong, right?]

...I'm scared.

[It's so easy to admit right now. To say it. He doesn't know what to do, he's panicking and afraid and he doesn't want to be like this.]


vacationisalie September 27 2011, 13:21:10 UTC
It's okay to be scared; I'm scared too. [He can relate. He's been scared so many times, except he's never had the chance to believe he really was. Being around Sora- both of them, had changed that.]

I've been scared loads of times.

But you know who always got me through those times? Taught me it was okay to be scared?


reverse_destiny September 30 2011, 18:29:13 UTC

[He'll look up at Roxas. His eyes--always open books--are looking for some hope to cling to, some way to know he can somehow make it through this impossible to survive situation. If anyone has the answers, it's Roxas.]


justabignobody September 26 2011, 22:48:22 UTC
[Riku is unsure what to think at first; this place... it looks so much like the Islands; too much for his liking. But then he sees that figure sitting right in the middle it and senses...]



In which Ana TLDRs thoughts for once (And then fails at ellipses) reverse_destiny September 26 2011, 22:58:03 UTC
[He's startled, and jumps a bit before looking up at Riku. No, not Riku. Not his Riku at least. Not the one he saved, not the one he lost his heart for, not the one he tried to ki-- This one is different, feels different, smells different. But still--it's Riku. And a Riku that seems safe and maybe, just for awhile, he can delude himself into think this is his Riku so he knows that he didn't lose his heart for nothing and everything will be okay.]



<3 justabignobody September 27 2011, 11:44:17 UTC
Yeah... It's me.

[He hesitates a moment before sitting down beside him, feeling his heart tighten; the darkness he senses in and around him is just way too familiar, so similar to his own.]

What happened to you?


reverse_destiny September 27 2011, 12:03:00 UTC
...Dad... H-He... I was protecting you, but I...

[...He can't say it, so instead he shifts the hole in his shirt a bit to show of better the familiar black and red, just enough for him to see the beginnings of a thorny X through something.]


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