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Comments 56

[Scenario A] waterfell June 15 2011, 07:16:15 UTC
[Don't look.

It's not the first time. And Mercury's learned, with time and insistence, to comply and make her decisions and her moves later, when she's sure. She's learned she often doesn't want to look, that it only brings cloudiness where there should be clarity. Overthinking.

For a moment, while she decides whether to hold it or throw it off, her grip on the hand wavers, but she makes the choice to keep it. For now.

Always temporary. Never rely on it.]

What is it then?


\o/ <3 vacationisalie June 15 2011, 07:52:01 UTC
[Roxas used to take orders all the time. Even now, with the past behind them and Organization seeming like a whole other life, he's part of a regiment. He and Sora, a two tag team with Riku alongside them, rostering, seeking, saving.]

[He's used to taking orders, but wearing the blindfold isn't just that. It's a matter of life, death, and oblivion. He squeezes Ami's hand firmly, softly warning her of the steps before they begin to climb. Forewarning from another, less easy to see source.]

It's a person. We're here to save a life.

They weren't meant for birth by sleep.


waterfell June 15 2011, 07:54:48 UTC
[What? Wait, this is going too fast suddenly. She's not sure she has any business being involved in saving a life (outside of the hospital, which she discounts so often in this endless question). Does she even know how?]

I'm coming, then.

Tell me the rest.

[She's still guarded, careful, wary; perhaps even more so, now.]


vacationisalie June 15 2011, 08:19:54 UTC
[His lips quirk upwards, vaguely. But there's no emotion behind it, nothing really but actions based on memories and the faintest heartbeat in the distance.]

[Roxas is not himself, today. He's more himself than he's ever been. He's missing something.]

I sent him away before Xehanort could possess him. He didn't really need the heart, just the body.

I want my heart back.

[His voice trails off, movements slowing before they come to a standstill, in front of a door that neither can see. Roxas' lips move, faint whispers that remain unintelligible leaving his mouth, as if discussing something with himself.]

The next floor, through this door.

Don't stop moving. Don't turn around. Don't speak.

We're not alone.


[Scenario B] waterfell June 15 2011, 07:20:55 UTC
[No; she knows not to give up. Whether it's through the thrill of manic victory or those tired, worn, times when she realizes it's endless, she still fights.

And her companion isn't giving up, either. Mercury's here, in the end, mostly because someone else is, and because to be alone is the worst thing. She won't consign him to that. Darkness, Light; that matters so much less.

It's the waiting she has no faith in, the so-called promise to be here.]

And you believe that? [Tell her yes. And make her believe it, too.]


/o/ aahhhh ~<3 lockandkeyblade June 15 2011, 07:36:45 UTC
More than anything.

[Vaguely in the back of his mind, he registers that he's spoken with her before. Knows that she's been here for him sometime in the past. Maybe even saved him. He's caught in the in between, caught between his memories and his dream, so it's difficult but...]

[Her knows her. That brings a little more coherency into his expression.]



<333! waterfell June 15 2011, 07:50:14 UTC
[She knows that voice; she's trained to sharpen her other senses when one is missing.]

I know you. [She may be as Mercury now, but much is effectively the same, and in the dream it's simply accepted. Easily.] It's me.

[And it might be imagination, or her hand might grasp his just a little tighter now. Just a little.]


Sorry for the delay! lockandkeyblade June 20 2011, 12:02:35 UTC
[In this state, it's less that he's seeing who she is and more that he's feeling. The hand is a comfort, encouragement. And he hangs on for just a little longer.]

You'll stay? You're... gonna wait with me. No matter what?


I CHOOSE A. I will do B a bit later. ILU both. /only blindfold icon, so sue me. drknss_bnd_lght June 15 2011, 07:34:50 UTC
[Ven can't say that there's not a bit of panic at being blindfolded - and the darkness has him already strung out more than normal but that might be because he's not had much contact with Vanitas for a bit now - only food and that's it-- But, he still stifles the panic. It's not--

- Vanitas isn't here and neither are the unversed... He'd know his tormentor - captor - his companion's[??] voice - and this voice isn't it...


.. Things will be OK? Either way, Ven's not really trusting, but he knows better, from lessons in waking, than to remove a blindfold until it's taken off.

It doesn't stop the tiny whimper though.]


WELL, A IT IS THEN vacationisalie June 15 2011, 08:00:42 UTC
Its okay.

[His nerves show more through the sweat on his palm and the tremors through his body, rather than the sound. Roxas makes sure to keep his voice sounding strong, confident, even though he's nervous, worried. Each step he takes is one that's told to be taken, a soft not-quite-a-voice in his chest telling him what's right, what's wrong, all the inbetween.]

[Neither of them are allowed to see.]

You're doing good- you're helping.

You're gonna save a life, tonight.


I WILL TAG BACK WHEN I HAVE HAD FOOD. -- oh wait, I do have another blindfold icon. drknss_bnd_lght June 15 2011, 08:13:34 UTC
O-ok... [Ven's not sure, wants to pull away, but - he won't - both out of fear and the fact that he's not sure that he can get away. Walking's different that fighting, he know he's heard this voice before in his dreams. Maybe it's justice for the string of nightmares where he killed so many not long ago. He's not sure, but it could be, and he'd not fight the judgement.

A swallow though, and it's one foot in front of the other.] S-Save a life?


The only blindfold icon I have is NSFW. :3a vacationisalie June 16 2011, 02:02:40 UTC
[There's no one keeping him here. If Ventus struggles, attempts to let go, then Roxas will let go. It will be the end of the line, end of the dream- Roxas' consciousness shoving the other blonde so quickly and forcefully out of the dream it might even hurt. It all depends on Ventus.]

Save a life. My best friend.

But only if you want to.


okay SO FIRST OFF, SCENARIO A. burnamotherdown June 15 2011, 13:28:44 UTC
[He's recognised the voice from the very first word spoken, and so Axel allows himself to be pulled along.

There were so many questions to be asked already- where are we, what's happening, why can't I look- but at the same time, the somewhat singleminded haste of the other was sweeping Axel up, distracting him from actually asking any of them.]

Alright. I won't look.

[Even now, he trusts Roxas.]


ahhhhhh god- timeskip remember? Time.Skip. vacationisalie June 16 2011, 02:10:29 UTC
[It's Roxas hand that shakes, gripping so tightly his knuckles are white. Of all the phantoms that could appear to him here, it had to be Axel. He wants to stop moving. He wants to turn around, through his arms around the redhead and let tears escape him in heaving sobs.]

[Axel could always make him feel, even without Sora there.]

You sure you want to come with me?

[Roxas' voice is quiet, tentative. Axel has no idea- no idea what they're doing, though he suspects that if Axel could see, he'd know exactly where they are. Axel- he wants him to have a choice, right now.]

[He wants to make up for letting him die, so, so badly.]

[He doesn't know how.]

[He can't.]


burnamotherdown July 2 2011, 12:19:58 UTC
[He feels that grip tighten, feels the fragility that's laced itself through the boy's tone, and with it comes a rush of things he doesn't fully comprehend. Regrets, memories- ghosts of emotions that he tries his best to

It's evident in the atmosphere between them, in the way he's is speaking- this Roxas knows what's happened. Axel doesn't know how, but it doesn't matter. It'd take a lot more strength than he has to sort through all of this right now.

He somewhat automatically twists his face away, even knowing the other can't see the action, wets his lips and forces a light, joking tone.]

Hey, what are friends for, right?

[Please don't talk about it. It wasn't your fault.

Just don't make me feel. Not about this.]


A little bit o' column A ... auncyenhalig June 16 2011, 02:54:30 UTC
[ One hand is being gripped. The other one is not, and so it's at the blindfold. Not moving it, but desiring to out of anxiety. The weight of it doesn't feel right. ]

Why, what would it ruin? Are we going to a surprise party? But I guess you wouldn't be allowed to tell me that.


vacationisalie June 19 2011, 10:06:59 UTC
Not exactly. [There's a sheepish undertone to his voice- did he really have to drag Aerith into this?]

[Ah, but there wasn't any time, and he knew her in a few different ways, enough to know that he could rely and depend on her, right now. So as much as having her here is hair raising... it's okay. They can pull through this together.]

[There's very few others he would have such surety on.]

We're... playing hide and seek. But we have to rely on someone else to lead us.


auncyenhalig June 20 2011, 06:51:13 UTC
Hide and seek is with blindfolds? I thought that was pin the feather on the chocobo.

... Either way, this seems more than a game.


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