first chance.

Apr 27, 2011 12:42

[Adam's on the most breathtaking beach you've ever seen. White sand, cool breeze, crystal clear ocean. He gives a contented sigh and all but drowns in his mojito. It's about high time he had a chance to relax. He would be more than fine with spending the next 400 right here, kicking back under a coconut tree. But there's something missing ( Read more... )

∞ peter petrelli [v1], ∞ hiro nakamura [v3], ∞ adam monroe [v3], ∞ rita bennett [v2]

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Comments 269

justasdamaged April 27 2011, 19:20:21 UTC
[Adam will see a woman running in a sports bra and shorts. She stops just short of him to check her watch to see how her progress is going. It's about time for her cool down...oh hey. She finally takes notice of Adam.]

Hey. Want to finish up with me?


traptinacoffin April 27 2011, 22:16:45 UTC
[He cocks an eyebrow, but he can't help so much when his eyes slide over her figure.] You could take a cool-down with me instead. [Holding up his drink, and folding one leg over the other, Adam does his best to look like he's having t-too much fun to resist.]


justasdamaged April 28 2011, 01:24:24 UTC
[Thankfully Rita lives in a happy land where no one checks out moms that work out. She just laughs in response.]

I'll take you up on that in... [Checking watch...] five minutes. Do you mind getting me a water?


traptinacoffin April 28 2011, 01:30:10 UTC
Five minutes is a reasonable offer. [He snaps his fingers and the bikini-clad girl is back with a water for Rita before she's quickly on her way again.] I'm not much of a runner, I'm afraid. Life goes fast enough as it is.


askedtobe April 27 2011, 19:25:18 UTC
[ It's been awhile since he's been anywhere near a beach, which makes this exceptionally pleasant. Well, it would be pleasant, if Peter wasn't far more engrossed in staring at the person sitting in the chair a little ways in front of him.

It's someone he hasn't seen in ages, someone he thought he'd never see again. And he's not entirely sure he ever wanted to see Adam again. Maybe he had at one point, but not anymore. He still wasn't entirely sure that he was over being betrayed by the other man, and he'd never stopped feeling guilty about nearly killing the entire human race. Taking a step back, he almost wanted to punch his subconscious in the face for torturing him. He wanted to make a run for it while he still had the chance, but he couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't stop staring. ]


traptinacoffin April 27 2011, 22:23:35 UTC
[Adam's eyes seem to light when he sees Peter. It was who he'd been looking for after all. He gestures to the seat next to him, raising his eyebrows.] Where have you been?


askedtobe April 28 2011, 04:45:57 UTC
[ Peter's stomach drops, and he feels like he's forgotten the entire english language -- he's still in some form of shock, stuck staring at Adam. But what gets to him the most is how happy Adam seems to be to see him. Out of everything, that's the one thing that he can cope with the least. ]


traptinacoffin April 28 2011, 04:53:21 UTC
What's wrong? Have I got egg on my face? Come sit. [He's looking at Peter like he's nuts, his head jerking again to the empty chair.]


deloreandriver April 29 2011, 02:32:17 UTC
[ He's squinting, hand held up to try and block out the sun when he wanders over. It's failing. He's getting a glare in his glasses.

The most beautiful beach he's ever been on and he's getting a glare from the light making it all fuzzy. Fuzzy fuzzy.

Adam has an empty chair. He hovers by it for a moment without speaking up, shifting his feet back and forth. Then he sighs. Confidence is key, grasshopper Hiro. He opens his mouth and-- ]

When did they serve mojitos? [ Is what he asks. D'oh. ]


traptinacoffin April 29 2011, 02:43:46 UTC
Carp, how kind of you to join me. [Adam says without looking up, gesturing for Hiro to sit.] She'll come back around, I'm sure.


deloreandriver April 29 2011, 02:52:00 UTC
[ He stubbornly stands for a grand total of five seconds before taking the offered seat ]

Are you? [ He's turns his head to find where the dark skinned woman went off to. He just finds himself admiring another woman's red hair instead till she turns around. He quickly looks away. ]

Is it a good mojito?


traptinacoffin April 29 2011, 03:01:58 UTC
[The red-haired woman brings Hiro a mojito with a bright smile, disappearing off with her dark-skinned counterpart...wherever it is they go.] The best. [He raises his glass to Hiro before taking a drink.]


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