New In School | Harry Potter

Apr 14, 2011 17:10

Title: New In School
Author: thewordmap
Rating: R
Words: 746
Summary: Hermione is happy to be in her new classroom. Even happier that Snape comes to visit.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Hermione looked at Snape and smiled. She hadn't seen him in a while and it was comforting to know that he looked about the same.

After the war, Hermione had gone to her parents, sorted their minds, and spent all the time that she could with them. She hadn't gone into details but she had explained vaguely what had happened in the war. They had cried but Hermione was glad to have them back.

Now, as she sat behind her new desk in her Hogwarts classroom (she was now teaching Potions), she realized that everything had come full circle. She had the job she wanted, the family she adored, and all the time in the world to be happy. These thoughts had been interrupted when Snape walked in. He was now teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts and she marveled at the way he looked so...alive.

Back when she was a student, Snape always looked strained, ready to hex someone should they come into his path. She had suspected it had to do with his job as a spy. Now, though, she admired the way there wasn't a frown on his face all the time (although he did often try to keep one, he had a reputation to keep) and he looked as if the weight of the world had finally lifted from his shoulders.

It were moments like this, Hermione thought, that made the suffering they had gone through worthwhile. She didn't know exactly what had happened but one day, Snape and she had crossed paths and the magic that flowed between them, the connections that they now had because of the war, had created this new sort of...passion.

When she had told him about applying for a position at Hogwarts (namely his), he had been hesitant. There was still a student/professor relationship and Hermione suspected that the Professor couldn't imagine her as being a fellow teacher. Of course, like always, she had gone ahead and did it anyways. What was there to lose? And, she thought, she had finally aknowledged that that girl crush she had had on Snape had not gone.

Snape flickered his wand towards the door, closing the room (no longer the dungeons. That had been Hermione's only request--a room that would be brighter and more airy than those dreaded dungeons) of to the entire world. No more students, at least for a while.

Hermione stood up and placed the papers she had been grading into a small file beside the desk. She tried to busy herself with things to do before the inevitable happened. She knew as well as anybody that she wanted him as much as he wanted her but she always blushed at the thought of actually doing it in a classroom.

When she looked up, all was lost. Snape grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up on the desk. She fumbled with his robes as she tried to undress him. Those bloody robes! She would rip them right off if she had to. His mouth worked its way on her lips, sucking and biting the lower lip tenderlly until she directed his mouth down her throat. She felt the fire sprout on the places his lips touched her skin and her body couldn't--it couldn't wait any longer.

Finally, he unbuttoned her robes and promptly undid her shirt. His fingers travelled down her chest and his hand cupped her breast. She gave a moan of pleasure and, with more passion, kissed his jaw, his neck, and worked downwards towards his chest.

His hands travelled down the length of her leg and he placed it on the side of his hip, opening her legs towards him. His mouth left hers and he started to kiss her foot, her ankle. She leaned back and closed her eyes in ectasy, her whole body was trembling and she couldn't wait for him to get inside her.

Snape teased her, kissing her thigh and causing her to almost convulse beneath his touch. She took his hair and pulled it. She needed to kiss that mouth--that beautiful soft mouth of his.

When she did, he went inside of her. She tried to bite down the scream that built on the base of her throat but the pleasure was such that she couldn't and she loved the idea--the insane idea that the whole castle might hear them--because she was his and he was hers. Nothing in the world mattered anymore.

fandom: harry potter, pairing: snape/hermione, rating: r

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