Neverhood! (6)

Oct 27, 2008 16:08

Okay, here's the last of the Neverhood screenshots. You can click on the Neverhood Screenshots tag to see the rest. In this installment, I solve three puzzles, and then watch the ending and credits.

Also, I want to do Sam & Max Season One next, and I've already taken 947 screenshots for it. I'm only halfway through the first episode. I guess I didn't realise how much dialogue the game has.

Anyway. As usual, subtitles by me, videos not by me.

Okay, time to pick up that key that Willie pushed out of the screen somehow.

I think I said earlier on that looking out the windows isn't required for any puzzles. I lied. Well, actually I was mistaken.

This is the only time you'll need to look out a window. It's directly above the balcony with the key on the string just out of Klaymen's reach.

And I have a pin.

Nice view, but I'm going to go back inside now.

This is what the teleporter options look like now that Bil's stepped on the green world teleporter.

I don't know what Klaymen's doing here, I guess he'd just pressed the button.

Going back down...

Now that I have all the keys, I can go solve that puzzle in the room with the mouse and the cheese. I didn't mean for that to rhyme.

That doorway creeps me out.


Each of these keys corresponds to a number, which is different in every game. Put the keys in the right numbered keyholes and... a good thing will happen.

That sign on the wall shows the correct combination, but it's too dark to read it. Of course.

Fortunately, I brought a light source. Or I could've just put keys in random holes until I got the right answer, like my mum did on her first playthrough, but that would take too long.

They turn around on their own when you get the right answer.

Hey, there's a light source!

And of course, there was a secret door behind that structure. Just like in real life!

And the keys I worked so hard to get just dissolved into dust.

Last puzzle of the game! And they did that thing where the end of the story strongly resembles the start. As you can probably see, there's some spikes and a drawbridge blocking Klaymen from progressing.

This ring lowers the drawbridge.

And this one lowers the spikes. But there's only one flytrap, and it can't hold two rings at once.


Ignore both the rings and make the flytrap spit you over the obstacles. It's so obvious!

He's lucky he doesn't have a nose.

You can't go back now. You don't need to, anyway.

I just count this animation as part of the ending, but there is one more thing you get control back for, which determines which ending you get. (video)


Klogg is really hammy here. Really really hammy.

Weren't you trying to?

Looks like a dump to me.

Even comtatose Hoborg over there? That's kind of creepy.

I doubt that somehow.

Wait a second...

On Hoborg?

Or you could just put it on his head and not risk him doing the noble thing and waking Hoborg back up. Though that wouldn't fit the theme of the game.

You get control back here, and whether you click on Klaymen or Hoborg will determine which ending you get. I didn't take screenshots of the bad ending where Klaymen puts his crown on himself, because at the time I was still afraid to watch it, and also because I couldn't save and I didn't want to go all the way through the game to get back to this point. (video).

So I clicked on Hoborg, just like I always do. (video)

I guess it's not really clear here, but he's pulling Klogg's pants down. I'd assumed that it was part of his skin, but apparently not.

I don't think you can jump that far, Klaymen.

I guess those are spikes, but they've always look like coral to me.


And you do?

I could never figure out what that black thing was supposed to be. Whatever it is, it's quite convenient.

Hey, that's what Hoborg said to Klogg was when he was going to put the crown on his own head! I just realised! ...How many times have I played this game? Klogg's line "Everything you see here is mine to do with as I so desire," is also very similar to Hoborg's line "Everything you see here is yours to enjoy," but I noticed that on my first playthrough.

(Music stops)
(Inappropriate tinkling noise)

Hoborg's started to move, though you can't really tell from the pictures.

I like the contrast here between Klaymen, who's all "my liege...", and Hoborg, who's all "I need some coffee."

And that's all he ever says. Unless you picked the bad ending. Or played Skullmonkeys, I think.

They may or may not have forgotten someone.

I just realised I never got a good picture of that thing he's holding, but it's a weird looking dagger thing with a zigzag blade. Which is ominous.


And that's why you shouldn't leave remote controls to cannons just lying around on the floor.

What a mild swear to use when you're about to be shot off the edge of the world because you didn't look where you were going.

Klogg's such a ham, he gets two big nos in one scene!

Oh, I see. He inherited the understatement thing from Hoborg.

I just like to imagine them putting on sunglasses and saying "let's roll" in this part.


There are a bunch of background noises in this scene that I can only describe as "life-seed-y".

For someone who's so good at puzzles, he gets bored easily.

Does he think he has a microscopic watch or something? Or maybe staring at your bare wristis how you tell the time in the Neverhood. It'd make as much sense as everything else in this game.

(Peaceful music)

Also, the life seed noises stopped.

Awesome! I remember wishing they'd been in the rest of the game. Or that you could play after the game finished. I may or may not have mentioned that the Neverhood fandom is very OC heavy, and this is why.

Sorry. I promise this was readable when I wrote it. He's saying "And without his smarts, compassion, and high moral fibre,"

I think this guy's name is Klester. It's never mentioned in the game itself, and I can't remember where I read it. Somewhere on the Internet, I know that.

That's three quarters of a cheer.

Most casual king ever.

(Party music)

Living in the Neverhood is one long party, apparently? ...I want to live in the Neverhood.

Nice water effects.

Isn't that cannon pointed at a wall?

In between this picture and the next, brown guy pretended to look away and caught button guy about to spray him with water again, but I wasn't quick enough to get a picture.

And the music suddenly switches to sad.

Poor Willie. Bil, too.

(Life seed sounds)

It's a Christmas miracle! And not even at Christmas time!


A bit of the music from the Bil animation starts playing here.

:D :D :D

I have no idea what Hoborg just did to get them back, but Douglas TenNapel has stated that he didn't create new ones.

Liked this shot so much I made an icon out of it.


And now for the credits. The song that plays over the credits is one of the most incoherent songs I've ever heard. I still don't know all the words, and I've heard it too many times to count. Also, the words are just Neverhood related nonsense.

There's also some drawings. When I was little, I had no idea what they were for, and thought they might be drawings of specific things that happen in the game, but now I guess it's concept art.

Are those his guts, or cheese? Probably thanks to the Hall of Records, I always assume that was his guts, but it looks more like melted cheese now that I look at it closely.

That's a scary drawing of Klogg.

This is the Clockwork Beast, but for a long time I thought it was a shark, and that that meant you could go into the lake before draining it.

No idea what that is.

That's a Skullmonkey, which only appears in the opening.

That's definitely his guts.

Which unfortunately no longer exists, but you can find an archived version on this site.

I used to think this picture meant that you could make Klaymen sit down somewhere and I'd missed it. Now that I think about it, I must've been desperate for new, mysterious content. I know I had a few dreams that there was extra stuff I'd hadn't seen yet.

And at the very end there's this saxophone bit that goes on forever.

And that's it. Thanks for reading!

sam & max, neverhood screenshots, neverhood

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