Two-week challenge - Week 170: Make Me Laugh!

Sep 10, 2010 10:33

Calling all comedians, it's time to get your funny on and make your mods laugh! (Because we need it!)

Here's your chance to be funny, silly, wacko! Make a joke with text, use a funny Jack expression, make a hilarious manip! The floor is wide open, and there's only 2 requirements: Make it funny, and make it Jack! (Other people can be in the icon as long as Jack is there too). You have two weeks for this challenge!

There are no supplied caps for this challenge; you can use any Jack cap from any season of SG-1, SGA, or SGU. A great place to get hires caps is the MGM Stargate site. Or use our tags to check out previous challenges and caps.

The Rules:
1. You may enter up to 5 icons.
2. Icons must meet the standard LJ requirements of 100x100 pixels and no larger than 40 KB in size.
3. Icons must be made specifically for this challenge; don't use an icon already made or a recycled base.
4. Do not post the icons you made for this challenge in LJ, any community, forum, or as IM avatars, until the challenge is over and the winners are announced.
5. Submit your icons and URLs in a comment to this entry; all comments are screened.
6. You have 2 weeks for this challenge! The challenge ends at midnight UTC (4:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Eastern) Friday, September 24th.

Have fun and if you have any questions, feel free to ask the mods :)

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