[Application: Discedo] Leon Orcot - Pet Shop of Horrors

Jul 25, 2009 02:07

Name: Mizure
LJ: mizure
E-Mail: mistress_of_azure@yahoo.com
IM: M1zure
Characters played at Discedo: Alpha (latteheart)

Character's Name: Leon Orcot
Series: Pet Shop of Horrors
Timeline: After Volume 9, chapter 3; "Desperation"
Canon Resource Link: Wikipedia page. Available to read online at Manga Fox.

Personality: Leon is hot-headed, impulsive, and stubborn as a mule. The kind of guy that doesn't know when to quit, he always follows his gut instinct - even when it fails him multiple times. He'll rush headlong into a situation without a second thought about the consequences, but he rarely regrets his actions. He's very blunt in how he communicates to people - if he doesn't like something, you can bet you're gonna hear all about it. He seems to have a problem being tactful and is often rude and abrasive. In a confrontation, he'll most likely leap to violence very quickly.

Leon is every inch a stereotypical American male. He loves guns, hamburgers, and beer, and he really, really loves women. Especially hot little blondes with large...assets. But it's not like he's a pervert or anything. Okay, he's a huge pervert. But who could resist a fine catch like him? (Answer: Anyone in their right mind.)

While often rude and reckless, Leon does of course have his good traits. He's fun-loving and playful, and he really can be a great guy when he feels like it. He's a great friend and he's always ready to leap to the rescue when he feels someone is being wronged. He has a softer side that is usually only seen around his little brother Chris.

A complete skeptic, he flippantly tries to explain away the supernatural events that seem to happen all too often in his life, even when it seems like they can't be ignored.

What your character can offer: Leon's human, so aside from his gun and his fists, he'll be bringing in a fierce sense of justice and a desire to protect people. He doesn't like fighting or killing, but his job as a cop proves that he can do what needs to be done.
What items will they be bringing with them? Nothing special, just what he has on him on a daily basis. His clothes, his gun (including holster), his wallet, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Third-Person Sample: Leon sighed heavily and leaned back against the wall of the police station, running a hand through his messy hair. What a day. Of course, being a cop was never easy, but damn. 'You'd think after a while life would just get sick of pickin' on me,' he thought as he fished around in his jacket pocket. After searching for a minute, he found what was looking for - a pack of cigarettes. Because lord knew he needed a good smoke right now. He slid one out of the pack and shoved the rest back in his jacket as he felt around for his lighter.

He brought it up to his lips and clicked it a few times until the cigarette finally caught, then leaned his head back against the wall with a sigh. To be honest, it was all typical police stuff today. Nobody had been torn apart by a pack of demon rabbits or anything. But it wasn't like he enjoyed waiting for it any better than he enjoyed dealing with it. If it hadn't happened today, that just meant it would be the next day, or maybe the day after. Even if it was quiet for now, Leon knew that it was only a matter of time until he'd find himself facing down another one of Count D's little 'pets'.

Damn that D. Damn his freaky pet shop. Damn his crazy ass animals. And god damn his seemingly supernatural ability to cover up every single little minuscule piece of evidence that might allow Leon to finally bring him in!

"ARGH!" With a frustrated sound, he grabbed the cigarette from between his lips and chucked it on the ground. He then proceeded to take great pleasure in grinding it thoroughly into the concrete. Man, it pissed him off just thinking about the guy!

Clenching a fist, Leon glared determinedly up at the sky. 'D, you son of a bitch. I swear to you, one day. One day I'll catch you red handed. One day I'll put you away for good!'

Then he laughed roughly, his anger bleeding away as he shoved his hands in his pockets and started to walk away from the building. 'Course, by the time he finally slips up, I'll probably be retired or something. Hate to admit it, but he is pretty good at...whatever the hell it is he does.'

Absentmindedly he checked his watch. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards for a moment as he turned onto the sidewalk, heading in the direction of the familiar shop. Speak of the devil...it's almost time for tea.'

First-Person Sample: [At first there's just the sound of groaning.] Ooh, my head...what did I get up to last night? Ugh, man, I hope she was hot.

Hmm? What the...huh. Looks like some weirdo kind of palm pilot.

...wait a minute. Where the hell... [There's a long moment of silence, then an explosion of cursing.]

D, you son of a- What the hell did you put in my tea this time, you dress wearing freak?! I am REALLY not in the mood for this bullshit right now! Where are you, you little-

[There's a 'clunk' as the communicator is dropped on the ground and the voice fades, along with the sound of some rubble crunching underfoot as Leon stomps away from the device. He returns a few minutes later and picks it up, fiddling with the buttons and muttering angrily under his breath.]

Alright fine, we'll play it your way. "Use this?" At least you left me some damn instructions this time...Okay, listen up asshole, I know you're in this dump somewhere! Well, I'm feeling generous today. So just come out from wherever you're hiding RIGHT NOW, and maybe I won't kick your ass as hard!!!

application, rp: discedo, muse: leon orcot

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