[Application: Discedo] Flora Reinhold - Professor Layton

Feb 05, 2011 16:48

Name: Mizure
LJ: mizure
E-Mail: mistress_of_azure@yahoo.com
IM: AIM: m1zure
Characters played at Discedo: the_phantom_m1

Character's Name: Flora Reinhold
Series: Professor Layton
Timeline: Post-Unwound Future, sometime before Luke leaves.
Canon Resource Link: Her page on the Professor Layton wiki.

Personality: Flora is pretty much the definition of sweet. Having grown up as the only daughter of the fabulously wealthy Baron Reinhold (who once built an entire amusement park solely for his daughter's entertainment), one might expect her to act spoiled and superior, but this is completely the opposite of the truth. Flora is sincerely kind and gentle, in addition to being absolutely adorable. No wonder her father doted on her so much. At a first impression, she seems to have an elegant, ladylike manner fitting of her upbringing, but upon getting to know her better it becomes obvious that she has a silly, whimsical nature as well. Most of the time she acts polite and refined, even a bit shy sometimes, but she has no trouble opening up and teasing her friends either.

She's lived a very sheltered life, hidden away from the outside world, and is quite naive. As a result, everything outside of the little town she grew up in is new and ~shiny~ to her, and she is absolutely thrilled by things as simple as a small country fair. Unfortunately, this means she can be a bit oblivious to trouble. Others often chide her for not understanding what's really going on, but it's not that she doesn't know when a situation is threatening. Rather, she just can't help but get a little excited at every new experience, even in the midst of danger. This makes her very trusting (good thing) and basically helpless (bad thing). You'll rarely see a damsel more in distress. She's unable to even try to defend herself when being kidnapped, and even when facing down a horrible villain she...sort of just expects them to apologize, failing to realize that's not how things work in the real world.

What Flora lacks in self-preservation, though, she tries to make up for in compassion. She's a very friendly, loving girl, always willing to help and look out for others. She doesn't have a malicious bone in her body, and is highly considerate of others. Despite growing up in the lap of luxury, she isn't the kind to take things for granted. She's incredibly grateful for all that she has and those who took care of her. Because of this, she was even willing to give up her father's vast fortune, her only inheritance, so that the robots of St. Mystere could continue to live on exactly as they were after she left.

For all her sweetness and innocence, though, she does have a stubborn, rebellious side that usually comes up whenever Layton and Luke leave her behind to go off on one of their adventures. Which they always do. Always. Layton tries to explain that he's simply worried about her safety, but Flora won't hear of it and will secretly follow them wherever they go until they're forced to take her along. This is one of the few subjects she'll actually get angry over, and she gives the Professor a hard time about it, but it isn't difficult to make it up to her. She can't seem to hold a grudge for long. The truth is, Flora gets very, very anxious whenever Layton isn't around- after living for several years basically on her own, she admits that she just doesn't want to be alone ever again. She deeply loves the new family she has with Layton and Luke, and only wants to be with them wherever they go.

Powers & Abilities: Flora has absolutely no special abilities, aside from obnoxious cuteness and an uncanny knack for getting herself kidnapped. Also, her cooking could probably kill someone.
What items will they be bringing with them? Nothing of note, just her clothes.

Third-Person Sample: Perhaps it was just her imagination, but the wall seemed especially boring today.

Flora sighed and threw herself into a chair by the window very dramatically. It was highly unladylike of her, but no one was around to see so she simply sighed again. Propping her elbows on the sill, she set her chin in her hands and stared out the window vacantly. Cars and people passed by on the busy street and she found herself wondering; where were they going? What were they doing? More than likely, they were simply going about their daily lives. But to her, sitting there with only the silent, boring walls of the Professor's home to keep her company, it seemed that everyone else in the world must be having some great, exciting adventure- and she was being left out again.

Well, if not everyone, at least two people.

'For your safety,' the Professor always said. It was for her well-being alone, supposedly, that he would consistently leave her at home while he and Luke went off on their investigations. As if she fell for that excuse! Not that she thought he didn't care about her safety, of course, but really...if Luke- young, impulsive little Luke- could keep himself out of trouble for a short while, why couldn't the Professor trust her to do the same? She could take care of herself!

Of course, she couldn't pretend that there weren't things she didn't always understand. And she couldn't deny that the last two times she'd attempted to accompany them that there had been some...complications. Complications like being kidnapped and impersonated by the professor's self-proclaimed nemesis. Or like being kidnapped and trapped inside a giant robotic weapon.

But what were the chances of that happening a third time, really?
First-Person Sample: Oh my...wha-what happened? Where am I...? This can't be London, can it? Oh no, what if that dreadful machine-? But, that doesn't make sense. And it still doesn't explain how I got here, does it?

[There's a thud as she accidentally kicks the communicator she had initially not noticed.]

Oh! What's this? [Picks it up and looks it over curiously.] Goodness, this looks rather complicated. Do I use this like a phone? Hmm...

Um...h-hello? Can anyone hear me? I'm afraid I'm very lost...

Professor? Luke? You two better not have left me behind again! That's what happened, isn't it? I really mean it, you can't just r-run off and leave me-!

[She tries her best to sound angry and fails horribly. She's obviously just bluffing to keep from showing how anxious she is. For starters, she doesn't even know where she is, much less how she got there in the first place. All she knows is there's no way the Professor would really abandon her in a place like this. Right?]

Someone, please answer...

Links: It's not much, but here's a little dear_munning to show more conversational voice.

application, rp: discedo, muse: flora reinhold

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