[CR: Discedo] Kaoru

Jan 23, 2010 19:44

Random notes about people Kaoru talks to in Discedo


*Lafayel | torchicked: One of her more rebellious Mindbroken soldiers from home. He arrived in Discedo and promptly dissed her. She didn't take it well.

Bakura | whiteduplicity: A boy she spoke to when she first arrived. He's something of a pushover but very friendly, and frets over her a lot. Kaoru thinks Bakura's a total doormat - which works just fine for her, and she would minion-ify him in an instant if she could. At the same time, he's also breaking her down just by sheer stubbornness. She wants to put him in a cage and keep him forever and ever. >3 Also she totally thinks he's a demon or possessed. She'd kinda like to lay the smackdown on Dark Bakura.

Subaru | hidesinhats: Subaru was one of the first people she really talked to, and his innocence and sweetness shines through so clearly that even without her powers she thinks it might be genuine. He said some things she needed to hear; that he'd give her a chance even if she was a bad person in her world. ;o; Since then though, she's become even more paranoid (lol if that's possible) so she's just kind of watching him possessively now. Also the first thing she's doing once she gets her powers back fully is to kill every single marionette.

Oz | acreepybrat: A playful boy who seems to be hiding a lot of things. When the city was going crazy, they got into a confrontation that ended in Kaoru beating the crap out of him, yet he still persists in trying to be her friend. Oz is another person who bugs Kaoru because she can't tell how pure he really is but he's so nice to her and puts up with her bullshit? WTF OZ HOW DARE YOU BE NICE.

She thinks maybe, JUST POSSIBLY DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP BUT MAYBE he could be her friend, or at least a very good minion. sob just wait till she gets her chip out What she's really looking for is some assurance that he won't leave her, which goes for anyone else she creepers at, really. She's convinced that once people get to know her, they'll leave. SHE HAS ISSUES OKAY, IT WILL TAKE A WHILE. Keep at it, Oz, you're wearing her down.

Testament | 7th_warrant: Gave her a place to stay when she first arrived in Discedo. Very stubbornly patient with her, which sorta pisses her off. Kaoru doesn't understand Testament's way of "helping." At all. But in some ways he reminds her strongly of Kuga, so she can't dislike him that much. She left his apartment after the crazy event, but she's breaking down to the point where she's going to want to come back soon, if things keep going the way they are.

Lute | guardianofman: A mage who was also staying in Testament's apartment. He keeps insisting that he wants to help her. Without her powers, Kaoru is stuck guessing wildly at people's motives, which means lots of suspicion and paranoia on her part. Lute has just about convinced her that he actually cares, but she doesn't know if that's just pity or what. He gave her a pet bird, and deep down she's continually kinda touched by that, even if it was just to get her to shut up. It's more of a symbol to her, in that it's something small and affectionate that she can keep dependent on her.

Kamui | pissedkitty: A pissy brat who's weirdly nice sometimes. Kaoru's kinda iffy on him because he's mean and snappish a lot of the time, but then he turns around and does shit like giving her a Christmas present. Kaoru's experience has led her to believe that basically "only a perfectly pure person could actually like me," and suddenly she's stuck in Discedo and there's all these people being nice to her even if they don't all seem particularly pure. Also she's without her powers so she can't tell who actually is nice and clean, so she's kinda flying blind and judging people randomly. THIS IS FREAKING HER OUT LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. So tl;dr Kamui reminds her of her more rebellious minions, which she likes kinda, except she's not controlling him so she's suspicious as to why he keeps talking to her. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME. WHAT'S THE CATCH. /paranoia wat

Naja | najawantsgold: The grumpy cat lady landlord of Latimir apartments. Too nosy.

Maka | bookwormmeister: A girl who claims to want to be Kaoru's friend. Kaoru weirdly gets along with Maka really well. Maka seems very reasonable and considerate most of the time, so Kaoru hasn't really ever had reason to go off on her like she does to everyone else. They first spoke because Maka was reading a poem, and it was like the most appropriate poem for Kaoru ever. So that endeared Maka to her a bit.

Maka is possibly the first person Kaoru will think of as a friend. The mun is still lol-ing at this because Kaoru's been giving everyone else the runaround and then Maka said just the right thing to get through to her. XDD;; But it's true; what she's been looking for all along is for someone to say "You did bad things, but I understand why and I'll still be your friend." She's been going off the belief that people will abandon her when they are confronted with the bad part of her. Even though Maka doesn't know the specifics, the fact that she's essentially done this before (with Chrona) is what Kaoru's taking as "proof" that Maka is being genuine.

*Left the city.

Updated 1/23/10

rp: discedo, character relationships, muse: kaoru

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