[CR: Discedo] Alpha - Pre-Reset

Aug 01, 2009 19:50

Random notes about people Alpha talks to in Discedo


Cube | loyal_cube: idk my bff Cube? Alpha's totally adorable roommate-turned little brother who she loves and adores because omg he is so cute. He helped her when she first got to the city and she feels so grateful to him for letting her stay with him. Also did you know he can do magic? Because he can do magic and Alpha thinks that's rad. He doesn't really get along with Saburo, but Alpha thinks they're funny. He got killed and came back, then went home and came back, and goddammit he better not do that again.

Saburo | hakai_aniki: Hoo boy. A really creepy mysterious guy who became veeery interested in her when he found out she was a robot. Turns out he's a robot too! What are the chances. Also he was built for battle and programmed to kill his brother. Um. Awkward. Not always friendly, but he's not a bad person! Really. Honest. He came to visit Alpha and brought her a knife, since she doesn't have her gun with her, so she doesn't mind that he's such a creeper. After learning more about his 'purpose,' she was a little wary around him, but he managed to cheer her up (completely accidentally) and now she's determined to help him, whether he likes it or not. Cube seems to think they like each other. Which is RIDICULOUS. Really. Honest.

Except not. Y so confusing. Get ready for some tl;dr. Alpha got very attached to Saburo right away because of the robot thing, and she definitely thinks of him as a close friend. She understands, at least somewhat, that his protectiveness towards her is weird for him, and she's pretty impressed by that. She worries a lot about their friendship because she wants to make it worthwhile for him. She feels anything less would belittle the feelings that he supposedly shouldn't even have.

She has had the weirdest crush on him. Seriously. She knows what a crush is, she's had them before, but this time it's different and it freaks her out. She's always been able to easily push aside those feelings because even though she becomes emotionally attached to humans, romantic feelings were the one line she wouldn't cross. Anything else she can handle, but she won't ever allow herself to love a human.

So along comes Saburo, and she starts to like him, but she's still unconsciously ignoring her feelings because she's so used to it. Then, thanks to Cube's meddling, she suddenly becomes aware that, wait, he's a robot too, so omg she actually could be with him. Thus why she's so freaked out about it. She doesn't know if this means it's okay to entertain the crush or if she should still ignore it or what. And Saburo's personality doesn't make it any easier.

She also wishes he wouldn't fight with Jiro. 8( Brothers shouldn't fight. And she doesn't like them fighting at all because you're a boy and boys are weak (lol canon).

Jiro left and came back, Saburo promptly attacked him, and Alpha promptly shut them down. They haven't spoken since. SOB. She really meant what she said about not getting in his way anymore, but she's not mad and she's only avoiding him in that "AAAWKWAAARD" kinda way now. She had that bizarre crush on him..."had" being the key word here. 8( But he's still important to her and she really wishes they could just make up already.

*Jiro | emomachine: Saburo's brother. Also a robot. Also very, very angsty, and he makes her angsty whenever they talk by asking difficult questions about humans. She'd really like to wrap him in a blanket and hug him and make everything bad go away forever. But that's kind of hard considering "everything bad" includes his creeper brother, who's also her friend. But she'll try her best! She considers him and Saburo her brothers and wants to get close to them.

Alpha adores him. He's so sweet and gentle and naive and she wishes Saburo weren't such a big jerk about that silly destroying-Jiro thing. 8| She doesn't want him to ever have to fight anyone ever again, because he's her precious brother. In her world male robots are incredibly rare because they were naturally weaker and most of them died. Even though he's from another world, that still makes him special and important.

And she doesn't want Jiro to cut himself off from people either. She really, really wishes she could spend more time with him, and feels a little guilty about being Saburo's friend. Since she can't be there for Jiro all the time because of that, she's thinking of ways to encourage him to make more friends so they can. She knows he has other people in the city who care about him, so go be their friend and play in the snow and shit like a normal person. You don't need be afraid all the time, Jiro.

*Lucca | daddyslilpyro: A robotic engineer, friends with Jiro. Alpha likes Lucca a lot. Aside from looking exactly like Kokone, the way she talks about and treats robots is something Alpha hasn't really encountered much, but she's surprisingly pretty comfortable with it because their feelings on the subject seem to be similar. She'd love to hang out with Lucca more.

Alpha developed a big crush on her over time and was super sad at Lucca leaving. She's trying to act cheerful and stuff but OH MY GOD EVERYONE KEEPS LEAVING. And Lucca was really important to her, and she wishes she could have told her how grateful she was for everything. She's pretty much always tried to maintain the belief that "I'll see them again someday" when someone goes away but it's suddenly become really hard to keep thinking that with Lucca leaving (and of course Jiro soon after).

Amu | guardianjoker4: A cutecutecute girl who's friends with Itoshiki. Alpha wants to watch out for her from now on because she's so cute. She was killed when the Latimir apartments collapsed and that makes Alpha sadface. But she got better, so that makes Alpha happy!

Anemone | pilot_princess: A nice (but moody) girl who's also friends with Cube. They got to bond over his death. She was going to get married, which was really exciting! Except then her fiance left the city. Alpha thinks she's nice, but worries about her a lot because of her mood swings and apparent talent for getting into trouble.

She feels a bit protective towards her because Anemone's ALWAYS getting in trouble, and her mood swings drive her up the wall, but at the end of the day she's still a sweet, fun-loving girl that Alpha likes hanging out with. Whirlwind Anemone completely throws Alpha off her groove, but she also has the potential to get Alpha into her more mischievous moods.

Kyon | lunchpenalty: A funny guy who promised to show her around the high school sometime. A very helpful person who seems to get walked on a lot by his girlfriend. One of her good friends now.

Shinjiro | prodigal_axe: The hobo who runs the Lights. BUSINESS OWNER BFF. No seriously, in her mind she's like "senseeei" even if she has like 30 years more experience running a store than he does. She thinks he's kinda funny in that he acts like a mean old grumpybutt BUT HE'S TOTALLY A BIG SOFTY YOU GUYS REALLY. Or maybe she's just a bad judge of character. Or a really good one.

Hanekoma | greatcuppajoe: A laid-back guy who gave her a couch for the apartment. A cool dude who doesn't seem to be fazed by much. Seems to be very interested in finding out about Discedo and the scientists. He's also one of the few people that's gotten her into srs bzns mode (the conversation about the communicators and such). She likes talking to him a lot because he's just awesome. And he gave her that couch so, hey, bonus points.

Rika | princessofmoe: So. Cute. Socute. /keeps forever Alpha thinks she's a very sweet and adorable little girl who's completely normal in every way ahahaha. She was friends with Jiro too, which gets her bonus points. She does seem rather polite and mature for her age...or maybe Alpha's just used to dealing with brats. Alpha wants to get to know her better and stick her in a cute outfit for the cafe.

Kazuki | ilpresto: A cool person who likes music a lot and is very friendly. Plays the trumpet and seems interested in getting together other musicians in the city. She made him treats for his birthday/Christmas.

Yuuko | dreamgranter: A force of nature disguised as a woman.

Gracia | mercifulsmile: A very kind and upbeat person who cares a lot about her friends.

*Ichiro | sunrisebeeeeeam: Another gd robot. Saburo and Jiro's brother. Alpha is both happy and nervous about that, considering the relationship these guys have. Family counseling anyone?

*Italy | leaveit2deutsch: The first person Alpha spoke to upon arriving. A very friendly and cheerful person with an interesting name. One of Jiro's friends, who also knows Saburo. Very nice and makes her feel happy just talking to him. She just really likes him! He's freaking adorable and sweet all the time.

*Yuuri | toiletbowl_maou: A friendly guy who invited her to join his baseball team. She's never played baseball before, but his sunny personality in this depressing place cheers her up. He's also the king of a magical fairy tale land which is awesomesauce.

*Riou | tenkai_shield: A nice person she's spoken to once or twice. A member of the police force, AKA a person she'll want to keep in touch with, just in case.

Raphael | dorkydomestic: Another butler from Cube's world. Even more straight-laced and polite than Cube, if that's possible. He lived with them for a while and then moved out once Melody showed up. Then he died and they got engaged. Alpha wants to be happy for them, but is nervous.

Yagokoro | cozmic_travel: Cube's sensei. She seems like a mature and responsible person - except for when she goes around killing people who hurt her apprentices.

Itoshiki | zetsubo_sensei: A strange person who went around asking for rope - and then killed himself. What the hell. Well, at least Alpha knows about people coming back to life now.

*Sealand | im_a_country_2: (claims to be) A nation like Italy. Made Alpha an official Lady of Sealand cause she's a robot and he apparently thinks that's neato.

*Tsubaki | apatientsoul: A very nice girl who makes friends with pig monsters. Idk.

*Utena | to_blossom: Also a friend of Cube's who got pissed at Saburo after Cube's death. Seems like a cool girl who's protective of her friends.

*Canada | maplemaple: Another nation, like Italy and Sealand. Made a tl;dr post about all the countries which was fascinating.

Melody | doeblueeyes: Raphael's mistress/fiance from Cube and Raphael's world. Reminds Alpha of Makki-chan. Kind of a spoiled brat, playful and mischievous, secretly a teensy bit insecure when it comes to relationships - yeah, she's totally Makki-chan. Alpha kinda likes being her gal-pal because she doesn't have a lot of other people to talk to about that stuff.

*Lyra | lyraofoxford: A friend of Cube, lives at the high school and has a pet soul. Alpha thinks she's cute and spunky and she has fun being a little childish with her (fffff Hide & Seek? Truth or Dare? They are so mature amirite). One of the few people she can have girl talk with, and the first person she's fessed up to about her crush. She's also really interested in her world.

*Jomy | for_humanity: Another nice person. He's from outer space! He makes Alpha feel really boring in comparison.

*Left the city.

Updated 1/23/10

rp: discedo, character relationships, muse: alpha

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