Aug 26, 2009 08:32
In a effort to rack up a few more Amazon reviews for SAY THE WORD, I'm having a contest:
1. If you post a review on Amazon before September 1st you'll be entered in a drawing for a signed copy. Fear not: currently posted reviews of STW are automatically entered!
2. To increase your chances of winning, you can post your review on Goodreads, too.
3. Also, any new reviews of BEFORE, AFTER, AND SOMEBODY IN BETWEEN posted on Amazon between now and September 1st will further up your chances of winning a copy of STW.
4. When you post your review, simply e-mail me at jjgarsee at aol dot com and include the link(s).
PS Now that Amazon is letting me post reviews (yeah, we had "issues") I'm going to start posting some of my own, too. I have stack of 'em! :)
say the word,
book giveaway,