While I can't totally disagree with Stephen King on this--"I'm not a big fan of psychoanalysis: I think if you have mental problems what you need are good pills" (a combo would be nice)--I do take issue with this particular quote from On Writing:
"Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are no exceptions to this rule."
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We've all read things that sound as if the author yanked every other word out of a BOAT (Butt Of A Thesaurus) (check out some of the stuff in the writing craft section on Writer's Net) (even some published works, though generally not YA, thankyoujesus). I hope SK is primarily directing this quote at them. If not...
I get what he's trying to say-- in one sentence, he's trying to say that as a writer, you should be well-read, that you should have the tapestry of language available to you without having to rely on an external source. But the problem with putting it within the context of one definitive sentence is that he's not allowing for brain freeze-- that frustration that comes when you've been staring at the manuscript and you know the right word is out there and it's simply failing to come to you at that precise moment.
Plus, I tend to have issues with any "there are no exceptions..." proclamations. It gets my perverse dander up.
Although I don't read much SK's fiction anymore, On Writing is my FAVORITE book...on writing. :)
I disagree, too.
As I lose brain cells, I need help sometimes.
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