Aug 29, 2007 17:08

Poll The House Guest from Heaven Poll

poll, missouri, house guest

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Comments 2

iowagirl11 August 30 2007, 00:54:43 UTC
Hmmm, I would avoid gift cards or anything uber-luxurious, since, like you said, they can afford whatever they want. I would go for something a little more personal, like perhaps a nice coffee table book of California Missions and a bottle of wine, or else cook them a really nice dinner and then take the kids off their hands for a few hours. The first one will be something that would allow them to get to know YOU a little better, and decorate their coffee table nicely. The second one will probably just be a nice break for them. So either of those would be my recommendation.


theredqueen66 August 30 2007, 18:13:14 UTC
I'd say something home-made...which is terrible to say because I can't think of anything...I'd go with what mandymitchell is talking about above, I think it needs to be something that you've put a lot of work into and something they can't buy or replicate...


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