all the revolutionaries i know are awful dancers

Apr 11, 2012 15:19

title: all the revolutionaries i know are awful dancers
pairing: harry/louis
rating: pg-13
summary: louis wants revolution and change and fight and harry falls in love quite quickly.
author's notes: not sure about this but anyway. inspired by and dedicated to felipe, a socialist communist marxist revolutionary who will never, ever read this. also ( Read more... )

content: slash, pairing: harry/louis, genre: au, author: wthrudoinghere, rating: pg-13

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Comments 35

say_thanks April 11 2012, 22:53:37 UTC
absolutely lovely.
i loved the opening - i could imagine both situations perfectly. and ughhh, lou in glasses!

but baby. he's so sensitive. harry just being with him whilst he cries..

and then i love how it cuts to this really heated kiss.

“i saw you,” harry says, louis’s mouth a yoctometre away from his, both of them panting hard in between kisses.

your words are absolutely brilliant. absolute genius.

AND THE ENDING - yes yes yes yes. love it.


hellodeer April 12 2012, 22:47:35 UTC
and ughhh, lou in glasses! i know, right? saklr2fhlskjgçlskrgj

anyway thank you thank you thank you! your comment is magic and good hair day and sleeping in and eating when you're really hungry and finding money you didn't know you had in your pocket.


foreverlarrup April 12 2012, 00:23:11 UTC
Wow, this was just- wow. I'm disappointed that it was so short, but that's a compliment, because this was simply lovely to read.


hellodeer April 12 2012, 22:49:39 UTC
i can't seem to write longer things. anyway, thank yoooooooou :3


loribeast April 12 2012, 16:23:04 UTC
i loved this. i loved the use of weather metaphors, and this was just great. i'd quote back to you but the previous comments basically sum up every line that stuck with me.


hellodeer April 12 2012, 22:50:39 UTC
thank you laura!!! you're as lovely as weather metaphors.


secretnightfall April 12 2012, 20:28:05 UTC
*Happy sigh* This is really quite beautiful.


hellodeer April 12 2012, 22:55:26 UTC
thank you dani :3333333


mozarts_piano June 12 2012, 23:44:39 UTC
What a powerful story! This makes me want to go out and fall in love and protest and scream and fight! Phenomenal job :D


hellodeer July 3 2012, 04:55:47 UTC
thank you so much, darling! :333333333333333333333333333333


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