Summer Extravaganza

Jul 01, 2011 10:55

Hi Everybody!

It's time for a new quarterly prompt here at One_Prompt. I thought that just for summer, we'd shake things up a little bit. Was there an earlier prompt that you were working on that just never quite came together for you? Are you wishing that you had come up with something from a past prompt and sad that you missed your chance? Did you write one story for a prompt, have a great idea for a second story and run out of time?

Well, be sad no more! For summer, we're going to rewind and play a round of prompt catch up. We've done eight prompts so far with varying levels of participation. For fun, I thought we'd put all eight previous prompts into play and let you have at them. The really ambitious among you can write a story for each prompt. Or the really, really clever can come up with one story that somehow incorporates each of the prompts. Or, you know, you can just choose the prompt that speaks to you and write to that one. :)

In original order of appearance, here are the prompts:

*Racing the Clock

*Well? Can you fix it?

*Sometimes I think to myself "This is it...This is going to be the day we have a nice, sane, boring mission."



*That's the last of the coffee

*Cabin Fever

*I think we made a big mistake


A few reminders:

* An overview of the rules can be found at the front page.

* Guidelines for posting your story are here

* Questions? As always, feel free to ask them here.

* Even if you post your story in its entirety in the comments to this post, you are encouraged to post it to your personal journal too-just be sure to keep it private until the day of reveal.

*Do you have prompts to suggest? Post them here.

Dates to know:

August 31: Primary deadline

September 1: Comments (stories) unscreened

September 5-ish: I will create a new post consisting of an index with links to each story. If you want your story to be included in this index, it must be submitted by that date. Stories may be submitted after June 5 and I will do my best to update the index, but please remember that late additions might not be added to the index.

October 1: A new prompt will be announced.

summer 2011

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