A Father's Love

Sep 30, 2011 18:41

Title: A Father's Love
Pairing: Jack, Owen, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG, contains mild violence and some firm but gentle familial domestic disclipline.

Spoilers: Season One and Two

Summary: Set after A Day in The Death. Owen is having difficulty coming to terms with his new 'lifestyle' and seeks normality from an unlikely source. Meanwhile Jack begins to ( Read more... )

love, angst, owen, torchwood, janto

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Comments 12

thrace_adams October 1 2011, 07:21:46 UTC
Oh wow, bb, you weren't kidding about it being angsty...poor Jack and oh wow, poor Owen. Well done bb. Glad you got inspired again.


branwen_blaidd October 1 2011, 10:43:00 UTC
psst, there may be something over at my journal you'd like to read :)


oncomingscone October 1 2011, 23:21:17 UTC

Yeah, angst. Sorry. There's a lot of PWP in the works, though...


branwen_blaidd October 1 2011, 10:42:14 UTC
Gorgeous. What Jack and Owen needed.


ficwriterjet October 1 2011, 20:28:09 UTC
Very nice story. I thought you did a great job of showing the familial bond between Jack and Owen when Jack was trying to help him realize he was still himself - even if it was a new version of himself. And I loved seeing Ianto being the strong one for Jack in his moment of doubt. :)


oncomingscone October 1 2011, 23:20:13 UTC
Thank you. It was lovely to write. :-)


badly_knitted October 2 2011, 22:04:03 UTC
Angsty but utterly gorgeous. Jack may not have meant to bring Owen back as a walking corpse, but it happened and both he and Owen have to live with that fact. But Jack's lightened the load for Owen a bit by showing him he's still a person and that Jack will be there to give him whatever he needs, be it punishment or comfort.

And Ianto is there for Jack - I love the way they switch back and forth; one minute Ianto's in control, chastising Jack, then it's the other way around, then it's Ianto putting Jack straight on a few things and providing comfort. Despite the vast difference in age and experience, they are somehow equals, each able to give and take and offer whatever support is needed. Ianto, despite his age, is strong enough to help Jack carry his burdens, and that shows what a remarkable, caring, compassionate man he is.


oncomingscone October 3 2011, 03:35:03 UTC
Thanks. Yeah, the Jack Ianto relationship was incredibly special, unique and beautiful. It's touched so many people. No one could ever contrive that - not even the cleverest casting director in the world can cook up that chemistry.

Maddening that it was thrown away, but I think it says good things about the human race that a lot of people are inspired by the unconditional, if unconventional, relationship!

And yeah. Owen needs a dad!


badly_knitted October 3 2011, 10:04:29 UTC
The powers that be may have tossed the relationship away, but at least we fans and fanfic writers can keep it alive and build on it! It's a fictional show, so in my mind at least, we don't have to confine ourseles to 'canon'! Plus it's science fiction, anything goes =)

I'm not convinced Owen really had a father figure in his life - his mother was less than ideal, maybe his dad walked out when he was little and his mum blamed him. So he's lucky to have landed where he did, I've always thought there was a father/rebellious teenage son thing going on with Jack and Owen. Owen always seems to be pushing to see how much he can get away with.


oncomingscone October 4 2011, 02:26:03 UTC
I agree completely. Julie Gardner said that in End of Days when Owen shoots Jack it's like the son killing the father. And I think he got away with too much! Needed more guidance. :-)


cookielaura October 3 2011, 03:11:51 UTC
Hi :)

I came here from a link on branwen_blaidd's journal and had to tell you what an awesome story this is! I've always thought there's not enough fic that deals with Jack and Owen's relationship after Jack brings Owen back, and Jack's guilt etc. This did it so well. Ianto is awesome at the end, and I loved him looking at the CCTV footage too lol! I would totally have been looking at that (and saving it to my harddrive!)

So...yeah. it's cute, funny, and of course a bit hot too :D Will have to work my way through your previous fics! Will add you as a friend if that's ok :) x


oncomingscone October 3 2011, 03:25:04 UTC
That's fine by me and thank you very much :-)


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