So, yesterday
mightywombat did a friending frenzy for his birthday. And I saw several LJ friends there, leaving descriptions of themselves.
It was so awesome, even - and perhaps especially, for the people I've known for a long time. And now I'm curious (surprise, surprise).
How would you describe yourself for a friending frenzy? And how would others that know you describe you? This isn't a friending frenzy (though I fully support friending people you find interesting if there's the promise of good conversation) but rather an, I think, interesting way to look at the way we describe ourselves versus the way others would describe us.
Like, if I were participating in a frenzy, I'd say something like:
I'm Marianne Kirby - I'm an author, and editor, and something of an artist. I read a lot and have a lot of opinions, most of which I share perhaps a bit too freely. I'm fat and goth(ish) and a total nerd. I work for a company that does instructional design for the military, which means I don't usually talk about work. I post a lot of pictures, especially of things I've made and the dog and cats. Sometimes I post pictures of my husband, too. I'm 32, a long-time resident of Florida with a deathly fear of snow, and I pretty much never watch tv.
How would you describe me?
Leave a description of yourself and I or someone else that knows you will leave their own description. Need I mention that you shouldn't start shit with someone? There, I've mentioned it.
Also, this is a public entry so if you want to link other friends to your comment so they can describe you, go for it. I think it'll be fascinating.
This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.