Love's a Witch (1/4)

Feb 28, 2012 18:39

Title: Love's a Witch
Summary: It's Valentine's Day in Storybrooke and a former sea witch has her sights set on reclaiming her former love. Unfortunately her spell instead effects, and reunites, another pair of the town's residents.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 1x12
Pairings/Characters: Vanessa/Gaston, Ruby/Gold, Granny, Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret, David, Belle, Ashley/Sean, mentions others
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time is not owned by me, but by ABC. I’m simply borrowing these characters for non-profit entertainment.
A/N: I started writing this before 1x12 aired so while it holds minor spoilers for that, it would now clearly be AU.


Chapter 1, A Spell Is Cast:

"Well, well, isn't this a surprise," Mr. Gold stated when he saw just who was walking into his shop for the first time in ages. The seemingly young and slender, dark-haired, blue-eyed woman had been a close friend for some time, even further back than most could remember. Though, somehow, he rarely saw her so far from her ocean front home. He was amused however to see her still dressed her favorite colors. Purple and black... Did she never tire of them? Even he differed from red and black often enough.

"You know what I'm here for," was all she told him as she seemed to glide straight to the counter at which he was standing behind.

"I'm afraid not. As you have not yet said, dear," he replied with a smirk. If she was about to ask him for a favor, or make a deal, he was sure he might enjoy it as she could usually fight her own battles.

"Don't 'dear' me, Gold. I want my necklace back," she stated, knowing only he could have had it if she didn't.

"In that case, Vanessa... Why now all of a sudden?" he asked her. Nearly thirty years had gone by that she hadn't even mentioned it. Odd, given how near and dear to her it had been in the past, but he hadn't pried. Now, however, he felt he had good reason. He knew well what that necklace was capable of and while he considered her a friend, there was only so much trust he had even for her.

"Because it's mine and I asked for its return."

"I believe you ordered its return. But again, I'll ask, why now? And would those not do?" he asked, indicating to the necklace she was already wearing. A golden chain that donned a pendant of a pair of golden antlers.

A soft sorrowful look fell over her otherwise beautiful features as she glanced down to the old gift. She recovered in a moment and looked back to Gold. "You know why. As for why now, call it the holiday spirit. I'm just chalk full of it this year," she answered with a strained smile.

"Ah, yes. Always a fan of Valentine's Day, weren't you? So many flocking to your cauldron thinking you could will the objects of their affections to them."

"Now that we've concluded our trip down memory lane, my necklace? I haven't got all day."

With that Mr. Gold relented. He could quite literally see her temper growing shorter and he could imagine all too well her barging past him and into his back room, tossing things about as she searched for her beloved item. At least this way there would be less work in it for him.

"Need I remind you that there will be a price for this?" Mr. Gold tried as he returned and laid the yellow shell and its black cord on the counter between them.

"Oh, I'm sure I have plenty of sand dollars to cover it," she quipped as she touched the shell.

He only shook his head at her flippancy. "You know that isn't what I meant." He knew well of his friend's determination, as well as her impatience. But for whatever reason the queen had spared her those years ago, he doubted Regina would be so willing twice.

Vanessa scoffed. "I'm well aware that one can't get something for nothing. Particularly when dealing with us. Isn't that how we became such good friends? That and common enemies, of course?"

"I just hope you know what you're doing. After all these years, one may have forgotten a bit." Clearly Regina's powers were hardly rusty, but he couldn't be sure about Vanessa's. Even worse, without his own he wouldn't be able to help her this time if something went wrong. And a strong sense was telling him it would.

"I'm not going to kill our precious mayor, if that's what you're afraid of. Though it would serve the her highness right... No, I just want what's rightfully mine."

"I seem to recall what happened the last time you said those words," he stated with a slight tilt of his head. He could still remember having been the one to help her after that plan had backfired on her, and how that had come to be how she had returned to her life as Vanessa. Even how that had brought about her living in the forest not too far from him and how close those woods had been to those where Vanessa had found Gaston lying broken on the forest floor years later.

She glared. "You would bring that up." If she never saw a harpoon again it would still be too soon, she was only thankful she didn't have the scar anymore. "Fine. I want who is rightfully mine. And with this holiday, and the fact time has begun moving again, no one should be surprised." Bringing her voice down, she added, "Unlike some, I've waited twenty-eight long years enough. Maybe you're willing to wait for your pet to remember before you make your next move, I'm not. I want Gaston back, and now."

"I wasn't aware that was still his name," Mr. Gold mused, knowing full well it wasn't.

"Just as I'm not Ursula standing before Rumpelstiltskin?" she smirked, and he smirked back. "Finding him still alive in those woods was no accident. If I learned anything from my years in that sea or in that forest, it's that. Is it not punishment enough I haven't even seen him since this damn curse was cast?"

"See that I do not regret this," he stated as he handed her the shell.

"I'm sure you already do. But there is a fortunate side, dear Gold. If things do not go to my plan, your pet may yet find her way back into your lap even if I have to try harder to reclaim my own."

With that, and her payment, she left. And Mr. Gold sighed as the door swung closed. His pet... He wasn't sure he had ever heard her use the girl's name in either land. And it was true, he did miss his so-called pet. But he wasn't as desperate as Vanessa had clearly become; at least not yet. He had hoped that would prove to work in his favor.

Vanessa hummed a familiar tune as she entered her beach house several moments later. The lyrics to her song had changed, but her passion within them never had. She had been Madame Gaston once, she would be again if she had anything to say about it. Even if he would have no memory of their history, he had loved her once, she was sure he would again if he could just know her once more.

Magic couldn't make the former Gaston or anyone else love her, that much she knew well, but she knew she could easily tap into the love that had been forgotten due to Regina's curse. She already had the biggest pieces of the puzzle that she needed, the one around her neck as he had been the one to gift her with it and the one that was now in her purse which had served her very well in the past. In a few short hours the sun would set and she could get to work. By morning the tall, muscular man she had never forgotten would once again be hers.

Emma hadn't thought Storybrooke would be that into holidays, not if Henry's story was true about time having been frozen until she came to town. But as she walked the streets she could see all kinds of red and pink heart decorations hanging up all around. Even outside of Leroy's hardware store.

In a way she was thankful she would be working the next day, enjoying she wouldn't have to think about how she was spending another Valentine's Day alone. Though she guessed she would be in good company as not many of the Storybrooke residents she could think of were attached either. There was Ashley and Sean and David and Kathryn, but they were about it as far as she knew. Mary, rightfully so, still couldn't get past being David's second choice. Graham was gone, so she figured that left Regina free. Mr. Gold, Sidney, Leroy, Ruby, Archie... the list seemed to go on.

But then she caught sight of a pair heading down the street. One being a large, almost hulking figure of a muscular man, and the other a petite brunette woman at his side.

"Sheriff," the woman, who she recognized as the one of the local florists, nodded with a smile.

"Hi," she smiled back to both of them.

So much for the almost spring in her step. But as she turned back to look just a little closer, she guessed that pair could be friends as they didn't seem to be touching or gazing into each other's eyes. Or maybe the holiday was beginning to get to her already.

Over at Granny's Diner, Ruby wasn't having the greatest day herself. She knew she wasn't alone in her loneliness among her friends, but as she saw the couples filing in, all talking about their plans for the following night (and most of which at the fancy Italian restaurant named Tony's) she certainly felt like it. She was sure she could go into any random bar and pick out a date for the night, but that wasn't quite where her mind was at the moment. There was part of her that almost wanted something just a little more for once. Part of her wanted a Valentine's date as opposed to a Valentine's hook up for once. She sighed. Of all the times for her to want more.

Seemingly inch by inch, Vanessa watched the sun sink into horizon, right at that line the separated the sea from the sky, from her living room's picture window. Her heart beating faster, she thought back to old spells. She thought back all the merpeople who had come to her in the past begging for just this same scenario. Maybe Gold wasn't wrong to be worried about how fresh her spells still were in her mind. It wasn't as though she had tried her hand at any in the past twenty-eight years. She shook the thought away, she needed to concentrate. This couldn't fail, she couldn't let it. At the very least she hoped Valentine's magic, if there was still such a thing, would be on her side.

When the moon was still shining high above minutes from midnight, Vanessa donned a familiar flowing purple dress and slipped a black cape on around her in an attempt to shield herself from the winter wind that was sure to meet her as she made her way to the shore. It may have only been a few yards from her patio deck, but it was still a Maine February.

Vanessa wasn't worried that Gaston could have been dead, not with how Gold had smirked when he had implied he knew his new name back at the shop that afternoon. She also wasn't worried that he had married anyone else while in Storybrooke. Regina had all but forbidden marriages unless she personally accepted of them, clearly to keep the others from obtaining their happy endings. But not even Regina's magic could stop her tonight. Besides, who would he have married instead? That French bookworm he had been infatuated until he had nearly been killed while she chose another? She scoffed at the thought. Most wouldn't have considered Gaston to be particularly smart but she knew even he had more sense than that. After all it was thanks to him nearly dying then they had gotten their own happy ending, until Regina's curse.

Finally at the edge of the shore, the waves began to rise higher with the beginning of Vanessa's incantation. Her now glowing shell in her cupped hands out in front of her, her eyes closed, words she had memorized seemingly centuries ago passing her lips, she could feel it working already. She had forgotten how much she missed the feeling of that power coursing through her.

Nearly all of Storybrooke felt it in their own ways as well, most not even knowing what it could be. The wind howled through the trees surrounding Granny's Bed and Breakfast, worrying Granny and keeping an already frustrated Ruby awake.

Mr. Gold walked through his home, finally finding which window had been left open and locking it closed once more. He only sighed as he watched the swaying trees outside, knowing this was Vanessa's doing. He couldn't claim to approve, nor regret having given her back her necklace, but he knew there would be no stopping her. She was as determined as Regina even on a good day, not that either woman seemed to have many of those.

As for Regina, she couldn't initially put her finger on why but there was a sudden panic beginning to well up within her. She jogged carefully enough down her staircase in the hope of not waking Henry and quickly reached the door. She even stepped outside to get the best view she could of the sky. She recognized all too quickly that whatever was happening was not normal and certainly not typical. It wasn't just the wind. She looked up to find there was a faint yellow streak hovering just below the dark clouds and she knew it all too well. She hadn't seen anything like it since she had sent them all to Storybrooke, and with her spell already cast, she hadn't so much as made a potion since then.

But then she remembered that her own spells from the past often cast a thick black smoke or fog that would rise to and hover with the clouds much the same way. Each of the Enchanted Forests' spell casters had their own sort of signature. Rumpelstiltskin's had almost always been a form of purple smoke and would dissipate almost as quickly as they had appeared. Maleficent's had been green and the blind witch's had been pink and smelt of pure sugar. This yellow haze combined with the scent of salt however... "Sea hag," she breathed angrily, half of her wanting to chase that streak until she found the woman in whatever disguise she had managed. She knew she had regretted letting her live for a reason.

Emma reached over and turned her phone back on when she heard the wind, wanting to be at least partially at the ready should any calls come in about wind damage or possible car wrecks due to the apparent wind storm.

Then there was the pair Emma had seen walking together earlier that day. The man awoke with a start, feeling something stirring within him. He couldn't catch his breath at first, his mind racing, and his skin damp with a cold sweat. He couldn't understand it but he fought to keep from panicking. Had he overdone it at the gym again? No. This was different. A panic attack? Maybe. But he was at least mostly sure it wasn't a heart attack. Even so, maybe Dr. Whale was right. Maybe he really would have to cut back on the eggs in favor of his cholesterol.

Across town the woman he had been out with that afternoon seemed to be the only one aside from Henry Mills getting a restful night's sleep. She would be one of the very few to continue to as well.

When Vanessa had finished her spell, and the wind had calmed around her, her shell returned to its normal almost golden color and she finally opened her eyes again. The cold reached her in just that moment as well and she turned back to her home, breathing the sea air in deeply the whole way. It had been too long, she knew that now. But she kept one vision in her mind as she climbed the steps to her patio deck and finally up to her bedroom.

She imagined Gaston as she remembered him but with a few modern touches such as slightly shorter hair and what could pass for long swim trunks (in red, of course) jogging along the beach just below her bedroom window as though he did it every morning. It didn't seem so far-fetched to her. Gaston was a vain man, everyone knew that. He would be one to keep himself in shape, morning jogs were quite good for that. And if it just happened to bring him to her door, or window, she could be happy with that. But first, she needed to sleep. And in the morning she would see the result of her spell. It almost felt like Christmas.

The rest of the town, however, didn't see it as much of a holiday save for the one it in fact was. And most not by choice.

rating: pg13, character: gaston, character: snow white/mary m blanchard, pairing: sean/ashley, character: emma swan, character: prince charming/david nolan, character: red riding hood/ruby, character: prince thomas/sean herman, character: cinderella/ashley boyd, character: granny, pairing: mr. gold/ruby, character: the evil queen/regina mills, character: rumpelstiltskin/mr. gold, character: belle french, universe: earth

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