Name: 土萠 ほたる Tomoe Hotaru / Sailor Saturn土 to means "earth", it's also a pun for the planet Saturn, which is 土星 Dosei
萠 moe is "sprouting"
ほたる hotaru is just that without much of an inherit meaning attached. it could possibly mean "firefly." ...and the pun has been made.
Age: thirteen
Height: 4'7"
Weight: around 75 lb.
Medical Info: Healthy child after her rebirth, if not a little skinny. AB bloodtype.
Eyes: Violet, deep. Naoko describes them as "glass orbs."
Hair: Dark, dark brown, almost black. Cut short.
Birthday: January 6th / Capricorn
Physical traits: Very deep eyes, dark hair and WHAT A MYSTERIOUS AURA. She has a small stature, a light complexion and an almost intimidating presence for such a small, young girl. She's usually dressed cutely, as Michirumama would have absolutely nothing less. As Sailor Saturn, she's dressed in a purple sailor uniform with a short purple skirt and maroon bows.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything! Give it a try!
Abilities: When transformed into Sailor Saturn, she carries a
Silence Glaive that's almost twice her height. It almost resembles an upright sickle. With it, she can make various attacks!
沈黙鎌奇襲 Silent Glaive Surprise
translates as "silence sickle surprise attack"
This attack creates mist so people can't see! It's also used in the anime as the attack she uses to almost destroy Nehellenia's castle (which never goes through). I'll use it most likely as a cross between the two, not as powerful as the anime, but possibly not just "mist," either.
不動城壁 Silence/Silent Wall
translates as "motionless rampart"
Just what it sounds like. She creates a barrier with her Glaive so stuff can't get through.
死世界 Death Reborn Revolution
translates as "death world revolution"
This attack is used by Saturn in the S arc in the manga to tear apart/drain the energy from Pharaoh 90. There are many massive explosions and crazy ribbons flying out of no where and tearing apart whatever is the recipient of her attack. Iiiit's very powerful and she's only used it once in the manga when she's destroying that crazy Master Pharaoh 90.
debunking death reborn revolution myths.
Bringing the world ruin
… which brings me to this "world destroying power" that she has. To destroy the world, she does so without words. Instead she simply swings her Silence Glaive (which she refers to as "bringing this Silence Glaive down") and poof, the world ends. This is a double-edged sword, however, as using this power kills her. There was twice this power was used-once after Pharaoh 90 was defeated, and back in the day when she was summoned by Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to destroy the remnants of the Silver Millennium.
As a civilian, Hotaru has the ability to heal minor wounds and occasionally make some pretty heavy predictions depending on the circumstances. She can play the violin and recite poems from memory. YEATS AND BLAKE NO LESS.
Notes for the Psychics: HOW FUN. I'm going to just blur the line between "Hotaru" and "Saturn" here. Quick explanation: Most of the soldiers were reborn after the Silver Millennium on Earth in civilian forms-their civilian forms don't differ in personality, or "soul" from their Soldier forms. In Stars, the happy girl who Michiru, Haruka and Setsuna raised as Hotaru, merges with Saturn and they're "whole" again. It's at that time that Sailor Saturn becomes more then just an outer member of the team who's NEVER SUPPOSED TO AWAKEN OMG. So her soul might look a little "blurry" depending on the physic. She is also the Sailor Soldier of Destruction, Silence and Death under the ruling planet Saturn. She has a few memories of the Silver Millennium (sometimes moreso then the others). So yes. Blurry soul line, was reborn, is an aspect of Death. That's good. Questions?
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Maybe, if you're good to me.
Maim/Murder/Death: IF SHE DOESN'T DO THAT TO YOU-I mean please ask.
Cooking: Probably not, unless Michirumama and Setsunamama have taken time to teach her. She doesn't like milk. :|
Kissing/Hugging: Thanks to Michirumama and Harukapapa, I'm sure she's quite used to physical affection. If she doesn't know you she might look at you funny, but you're welcome to try. (Sometimes she looks very intimidating for someone so small...)
Hobby: Collecting lamps / reading
Favorite food: Soba
Least favorite food: Milk
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite subject: World History
Worst subject: Physical Education
Has trouble with: Marathons
Special skill: Injury treatment
Dream: To be a nurse.
Castle: Titan Castle