Round 24 Reminder

Jun 16, 2015 12:40

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!reminder, round 24

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Comments 6

starset_lies June 18 2015, 19:05:00 UTC
Hey! I'm so sorry, I fully intended to finish my set but real life got in the way as my grandma was rushed to the hospital a few days ago (she's doing much better thankfully) and midsummer is approaching so I'm going to have to pull out of this round. I'm so sorry, hopefuly next round will work out better for me. :)


starry_night June 19 2015, 10:54:23 UTC
That's not a problem, thanks for letting me know. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma but I'm glad she's doing better now :)


hbics June 19 2015, 19:46:19 UTC
I'm sorry. I started the round out with so much motivation to finish but this past week has been rough, and I've still got half the set to do and I don't think I'm going to get it done before tomorrow.


starry_night June 20 2015, 04:25:09 UTC
No worries, thanks for letting me know. I'm sorry you've had a rough week. I'm also happy to extend the round if you wanted to try and finish still.


blondebeauty07 June 20 2015, 04:45:58 UTC
I hate to ask this, but would it be possible to get an extension of one more day? I have been having problems with my muse because real life issues suddenly came up. I only ask because I already have half of them done.


starry_night June 20 2015, 05:21:39 UTC
Hey, yeah that's absolutely fine. I'm happy to extend it a bit longer if that helps :)


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