Title: Ring Around the Rosie
onabearskinrugCharacter/Pairing: Ten/Rose with Jack, Mickey, Jake, Pete, Jackie, and others
Rating: Teen this chapter
Summary: The Doctor and Jack are stranded in London when the TARDIS malfunctions and, based on the Doctor's alien gifts, open a psychic detective agency. When an old serial killer comes out to play, it's up
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Comments 11
Another one?! This murderer is a sicko. I still suspect that creepy ring seller at the renaissance fair. Why haven't they followed up on him yet?
Rose is the cream to his coffee... hee... these two are so adorkable.
Can't wait for your next update!!
He IS a sicko. Interesting that you suspect the creepy ring seller...wouldn't that be something? :-P
LOL...when timelord1 and I were plotting this out, all I could think of was the cartoon Doug...do you remember that one? He did a music video and sang a song for Patti? "Patti you're the ketchup on my hot dog...Patti you're the ice in my tea!" So I'm giggling picturing the Doctor being like "Rose is the cream in my coffee! Rose is the sugar in my tea!" I'll find the youtube link if you have no idea what I'm talking about... :-P
I love that when Mickey and Jake are out of their depth, they turn to Rose for her...feminine charms. Exactly in character, all of them!
Everything about the Doctor in this chapter was beyond perfect, from his jealousy to his mug-trashing skills to his 'interrogation' of Mitchell!
Of course, then that murdering git had to go and murder again...
On pins and needles over here!
I have to say...I elaborated a bit, but most of the interrogation was inspired by kelkat9. I was SO STUCK about how they would get him to crack and she came along and was just pretty much brilliant and spot-on about everything :-)
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But her and the Doctor, very adorable conversation there :)
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