SPN fic: A Talent for Causing Things Pain

Dec 14, 2009 11:35

Sweet creamy jebus, I wrote another one.

Title: A Talent for Causing Things Pain
Author: On_Verra
Pairing & Characters: Sam/Dean, John, very brief mentions of Jim Murphy and Bobby
Rating: PG-13 (or possibly R for violent imagery)
Wordcount: ~4,070
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, and I make no money from this.
Warnings/Enticements ( Read more... )

my fic

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Comments 12

lazy_daze December 14 2009, 17:40:46 UTC
Oh my gooooood! that was so vivid and gross I feel a little bit faint. I HAVE A TEETH THING. D: D: OH MY GOD. I loved this, though, lightheadedness aside, AHAHA. I always love the idea of focusing in on small mundane things like dental care with the Winchesters, and I love your subtle underlay of UST; there's something gross and hot and gloriously visceral about the image of a goopy string of blood connecting their lips, s;lkfhlasdkf.


on_verra December 14 2009, 17:54:06 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am so glad that you read and enjoyed this! I wasn't sure how to much I could warn about the teeth thing without giving too much away. I hope your lightheadedness is gone now ;D

Heh, the UST, yeah. I seem to be developing a talent for that! Though I like to think the tension in this fic has just a little but more resolution than my last fic! Maybe next time there will be even more , and perhaps eventually I'll work my way up to Pr0n. Quite possibly featuring evil!Sam. *g*


linaerys December 15 2009, 17:08:34 UTC
I also have a teeth thing and this made my gums hurt, but that means you're doing your job well!

I love Dean's mix of guilt and rebeliousness at his father.

And Sam's dentist thing . . . *sob*. This story is a wonderful reminder of how excluded they are in their hunting life. And how abusive John's parenting was in its neglectfulness.

"Man, I just washed these pants! And how does a Buru even get to Kentucky, anyway?"

Hee! I love Dean.

Thanks for sharing this!


on_verra December 15 2009, 17:22:27 UTC
Thanks so much! It means a lot to me that so many elements worked for you :D

I will see you in Jan!


macbyrne December 30 2009, 00:38:44 UTC
Oh my God, I'm so wigged out right now, I'm shivering and touching all my teeth with my tongue to make sure they're all still there!!! This was so incredibly good, I can't stand it; I love a glimpse of Winchester life outside of the hunt, the mundane things that we normals take for granted. So damn good!


on_verra January 4 2010, 23:37:57 UTC
Hi! Thank so much for reading and commenting! Sorry I didn't respond until now, but I was out of the country.
I'm so glad this story worked for you :D


lotrabc January 15 2010, 05:59:59 UTC
Finally got a chance to sit down and read this (days after I said I would), and told ya I felt vindicated pre-approving this fic!

From what I've read of your work you have an incredible talent for two things in particular: subtle, well-done UST, and S1-2 era ambiance. I had such a smile on my face throughout the Sam'n'Dean parts because it's just them in their little bubble of...them! I LOVE that, and like I said with your last one, it is so wonderful to have that sense of how they used to be conveyed so brilliantly.

Like the others I have such a teeth squick, but it was gritty and realistic, so from a storytelling standpoint, I found it awesome. :D

Seriously, I will cry if you don't sign up for BB. We always need more Wincest, and if it's of your style and caliber? Then all the more. Love it. <3

Random aside, I just noticed we have the same layout. :)


on_verra January 16 2010, 01:31:26 UTC
Yay! You liked it!

The teeth squick... yeah. I don't especially have that squick myself, but I get it. The tiny kernel of an idea that ended up ultimately producing this fic? Actually involved evil!Sam who does some torturing, and I was all, 'What's something horrible and graphic that he could do? I know, he could fuck up someone's teeth."

Didn't turn out that way at all, but I'm pretty happy with the fic that this became, anyway.

Big Bang... you are very convincing... but ugh, I don't know!

Besides not knowing if I have time (and besides the blatant over-ambitiousness of a person who's only ever written 2 fics of 6000 wds or less signing up for 20k+ wds!), I also have this weird thing... like, if I write a fic in which Sam and Dean actually hook up and don't just have UST, then I can't write another one. Like, somehow, all of my fics have to fit together in one coherent (and thusfar canon-compliant!) 'verse in my head and there can only be one first time. I dunno! I'm going crazy, obviously.


tanpopo03 January 17 2010, 23:43:54 UTC
Oooh, ouch. Poor John + Dean. I think I'd have someone knock me out first. I'm such a sissy when it comes to my teeth.
theis was awesome! Loved the sudden sexual tension that came up during the procedure and how neither of them realized how intimate it would be. Great writing! :)


on_verra January 18 2010, 01:08:37 UTC
Thank you so much! You made my evening :D


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