Four Teenage Female students brutally attacked another student in Busan Friday, resulting in the hospitalization of the victim. The attackers stand accused of hitting the victim with [Trigger Warning]construction materials [i.e: mental pipes], glass bottles, chairs on over a hundred counts, and burned her with cigarettes until she was unconscious.
I think ocean_pig just meant that it was labeled wrong. It should say "Student [in blue]:" and "Attacker [in grey]:", but otherwise the translation and who says what is correct.
no problem. i feel so helpless reading this post.. it's heartbreaking. i hope the victim is okay and recovering well, and that signing this petition helps even a little bit.
I feel like crying, this is so vile and terrifying. Those pictures... Poor girl. I hope there won't be any other repercussions on her now that the story is known nationally and that she will be able to heal in peace. And they are schoolgirls?!! Also how can something like this happen for a second time, how could the police ignore it??!!!!!
jfc these kids are so young yet they're already this violent and brutal, what more when they're a bit older? damn, i really wish justice would be served. even if the assailants are minors, i really hope they're going to be sued, investigated, and prosecuted as adults for their crime is too grave to be dismissed just like that.
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and a twitter thread on how to sign it if you want to (you can use twitter or facebook to do so): here
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And they are schoolgirls?!!
Also how can something like this happen for a second time, how could the police ignore it??!!!!!
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