(no subject)

Nov 13, 2011 22:58

Title: Kingka High
Fandom: Big Bang

Pairings: Baeri, Seunghyunx2, and GTOP
Pairings this Chapter: SeungHyunx2, Baeri, G-Ri

Length: Chaptered

Genre: AU Romance/Fluff
Summary: Seungri is the average student with the average life until the three 'kings' of his school walk into it... Then things get a bit more interesting.
Previous Chapters:  12, & 3

Chapter Four            Seungri felt like he was on an uneven keel all day. He was relieved when he saw Seunghyun in the distance. He was talking to his friend as Seungri waved and smiled enthusiastically. Seunghyun gave a hint of a smile and nothing more as before turning back to his friend, a second year named Daesung, who was juggling various stationary items.
            Seungri grumbled a bit before realizing he should probably lay low. He was just a stupid freshman; Seunghyun probably didn’t want him around. Plus, a group of other upperclassmen had gathered around the spectacle of Daesung juggling. He concluded he shouldn’t bother Seunghyun in front of his friends and was going to walk past the group before and arm pulled him in.
            “Ah, Lee Seung Hyun. Hyung’s new freshman,” Daesung spoke loudly.
            Seungri turned toward the boy who had his arm around his shoulder. He wore a big grin. “Wait! You haven’t heard of me! Hyung hasn’t mentioned me,” Daesung frowned at Seunghyun who just shrugged before looking at Seungri, his face hiding amusement.
            “Well! I’m Daesung! Seunghyun’s best friend, his right hand man.”
            “But…Aren’t I his right hand man now? Since I’m his freshman at all,” Seungri spoke with a straight face as he pointed to himself.
            “Yah,” Daesung’s voice was serious even though he was still smiling. Seungri became aware once again of other seniors who were gathered around them, three nondescript seniors who laughed at their exchange.
            “Seungri is right,” Seunghyun spoke grabbing Seungri’s arm, “C’mon ‘right hand man’,” Seung Hyun continued as he guided him to walk on.
            “Bye, hyung,” Daesung called after Seunghyun, shrugging off being ditched for Seungri and turning to his other friends as Seunghyun waved goodbye. Seungri followed his hyung for a minute before realizing it was near the end of his lunch period.
            “Hyung, where-“
            Seunghyun put his finger to his lips and continued to lead him to a freshman studio classroom, D-3. Seungri stared at his hyung’s back, wanting to just throw his arms around his long frame and hold him tightly. He was imagining different ways he could get away with doing it when Seunghyun interrupted his thoughts.
            “I heard Jiyong is your theater partner.”
            “Oh…yeah…” Seungri had forgotten about that.
            “Take him here,” Seunghyun said. “I think- I think it’ll be a good thing.”
            Seungri was pretty sure Jiyong wouldn’t allow himself to be taken anywhere. He couldn’t help but let the doubts he had come across his face.
            “Mm, just trust me,” Seunghyun spoke. He placed his hand on Seungri’s shoulder and Seungri prayed it would stay there longer than it actually did. Still, it lingered before he smiled and turned away, his eyes finally freeing Seungri from whatever hold they seemed to put him in.
Seunghyun began walking before Seungri prompted him to stop and turn around.
“Hyung!... Komawoyo.” Seungri smiled brightly. He didn’t know if it was a trick of the light but he was pretty sure Seunghyun blushed before continuing down the hallway.

He was thinking about Seunghyun most of the remainder of the day. He started to think about how he was helping him, tutoring him, giving him advice about Jiyong (That he didn’t know would work). He wondered if he stood out to Seunghyun, if he wanted Seungri to be his friend just as much as Seungri yearned for his companionship. Maybe that was why he was such a good hyung to him.
            Seungri got prepared for his studio classes before walking into the auditorium. Today students would have to pick the studios they’d rehearse in. Most opted to pick senior ones, which were far more luxurious than they’re underclassmen counterparts. The decisions of other partnered pairs made Seungri doubt his hyung’s advice.
            “Do you have any place in mind?” Seungri said, unsure that Ji Yong would even respond.
            “I don’t really care,” Ji Yong said in an indifferent singsong tone, toying with his earring.
            “Well, I have a place,” Seungri said meekly. Here goes nothing.
            “Alright,” Ji Yong seemed bored with being stubborn. His demeanor was more laid back than usual. As they started down the hall the two saw a familiar face.
            “Youngbae!” Jiyong seemed actually ecstatic. “Where you been?”
            Youngbae gave a genuine smile in response to Ji Yong’s salutation, his eyes pulling up into eye smiles, his face warm and welcoming as he brought Ji Yong in for a hug.
            “Nowhere in particular,” Youngbae said, his voice calm, not even hinting at the happiness in his smile.
            Seungri looked at him and remembered the smell of him, the way his form had moved under his school uniform as he leaned over the table. Thanks, he had said, the words reverberating in his ear. Seungri shook his head. No. No way.
            “Where are you headed?” Jiyong asked.
            “The roof,” Youngbae said. It was his napping spot. Everyone knew that.
            “You slacker,” Jiyong said shoving Youngbae lightly.
            Seungri thought about it. He must go up there to make up for the hours of sleep he missed from working. He felt a tinge in his heart as he gained sympathy for Youngbae. He must be really tired all the time. Seungri suddenly became sorry for his assumptions before. He wasn’t a slacker. He was one of the hardest working people in the school actually.
            “He’s not a slacker!” Seungri spoke louder than intended, earning a stare from Jiyong before he started to smile, amused at the sincerity in Seungri’s face.
            “I… I was just joking,” Jiyong said through his smile. Seungri turned red as Jiyong began to laugh. He looked at Youngbae whose face showed no emotion as he simply stared at Seungri for a few moments making Seungri’s heart beat amp up.
            “Yo, we have to get going,” Jiyong spoke, aware of the time.
            “Annyeong.” Youngbae muttered in unison with Seungri. Jiyong gave a street handshake to Youngbae before following Seungri along the halls. Seungri couldn’t help but be embarrassed as he walked. What the hell had he been thinking? Even if Jiyong hadn’t been joking, why would he, Lee Seung Hyun, of all people feel so spurred to defend Dong Young Blah? He exhaled a gust of pure frustration as he reached the studio.
            He heard Jiyong behind him.
            “Why here?” Jiyong’s voice was different than usual but Seungri couldn’t put his finger on how.
            “I dunno. Hyung said it’d be a good studio to use,” Seungri answered without thinking about it.
            “Hyung…” Jiyong repeated in deep thought. He walked over to the piano and ghosted his fingers along the edge of it.
            “Yeah, hyung… He probably likes this studio or something.” Seungri continued. He took in Jiyong’s delicate profile as Jiyong continued to circle the piano. He could see Jiyong clench his jaw. He hadn’t noticed how beautiful Jiyong was but that was the perfect word for his face, more than any other adjective like it. Nothing described it quite as fully. It was captivating when you really stopped to notice. His features were elegant, as if carefully drawn. His mouth was naturally downturned as if permanently displeased and yet even still, he had the kind of appearance, the kind of demeanor that just made you want to know him, even if to know him was to be hated by him.
            “You’re like his dog,” Jiyong said, breaking Seungri out of his thoughts. “You do what you’re told.”
            Seungri didn’t know what to say. He decided not to say anything as Jiyong stared a hole in him.
            “Your precious hyung and I, we’re not friends.”
            “I know but-“
            “So, he sends a message through his dog.” Seungri couldn’t tell if hurt or rage was emanating from Jiyong’s body. This was wrong. Hyung was wrong.
            “No. I-“ Seungri tried to explain but was cut off by Jiyong who began to walk towards him.
            “You’re so stupid. You think Choi Seung Hyun is a good person? He’s not. He’s nothing but an asshole.”
            “Stop it. Hyung… He’s my friend. And whatever happened between you two is between you two.”
            Jiyong was really close and Seungri started to become scared, even though Jiyong had a slimmer frame, his presence was intimidating. For some reason he always conjured this Jiyong, this rage filled beast. There was another side to him, the one always joking in hallways or chasing after girls. He wondered why he couldn’t just have seen that side. He wondered which side of Jiyong was real. He felt his heart burst through his ribcage as Jiyong continued to walk up to him causing him to back himself up against the studio’s wall. He closed his eyes for a second and just prayed Seunghyun would come and save him. Just like before.  Just like before, please.
            “What happened between the two of us,” Jiyong repeated Seungri’s words. He grabbed Seungri’s arm and slung him around, using his surprising amount of strength to slam Seungri into the wall with his body. “You don’t want to know, what happened here? What your precious hyung is really like?” Jiyong spoke in Seungri’s ear.
            “Please, let me go,” Seungri said quietly, his eyes beginning to tear up.
            Jiyong let his lips brush against Seungri’s ears before banging his arm into Seungri’s shoulder. “You don’t want to hear about how he was my hyung first? How he fucked me and left me. Just like he’ll do to you.”
            No. That couldn’t even be true. For so many reasons. No, Seungri refused to believe such a thing. He closed his eyes and wished for Seunghyun again. Please. Please. Tell me it’s not true. Just tell me you’re my hyung. That you’re my friend. That’d you never use someone. That you’d never just fuck someone. That you’re better than that.
            “Cut it out,” he heard a voice yell as a Jiyong was pulled off of him before he slid down to the ground. He heard a bit of a scuffle before he turned around opening his eyes.
            Seunghyun, he thought as looked up for his savior, but he didn’t see the face he was looking for. He blinked slowly as his sunbae held his hand out.
            “Are you okay?” Youngbae said, his arm out stretched.
Jiyong stood across the room holding his jaw, obviously feeling effects from a blow from Youngbae.
            “What is wrong with you?” Youngbae asked Jiyong as he helped Seungri up, who was crumpled in his arms as he regained his balance.
            “Seunghyun told him to bring us here!”
            “What does Seungri have to do with that? Nobody knows what happened between you two here.” Seungri listened to Youngbae’s voice. It was still the same but this time, there was something different.
            “He’s nothing but a tool to Seunghyun.” Jiyong’s voice was sour, his face betraying himself and expressing hurt.
            “So you beat him up? You’re worse than Seunghyun is,” Youngbae said. It was hurt, that was the difference Seungri finally realized but it didn’t matter. They were slinging Seunghyun through the mud and his hyung wasn’t like that. His hyung was his friend. Youngbae turned to check Seungri, making sure he was okay.
            “No!” Seungri pushed Youngbae’s hand from his face. “You’re both wrong.”
            “Seungri,” Youngbae’s voice was low as if trying to reason with the younger boy.
            “Maybe…” Seungri started before gaining surety in his voice, “No, He did. He wanted to make you happy. And maybe he sent us here because he thinks of you and he wants you to know that or I don’t know. But I won’t believe that my hyung is a bad person. I won’t believe that.”
            Youngbae frowned, “C’mon, Seungri, let’s go home.” He grabbed Seungri’s shoulder before being shrugged off. Seungri stared at Jiyong who leaned across the room against the radiator, his face unreadable. “Seungri,” Youngbae’s voice pleaded.
            “My hyung isn’t that type of person!” Seungri yelled, halfway trying to convince himself.
            Jiyong looked back at the boy for a minute before straightening his clothes. His eyes were welling up as he tried to keep his composure, his body trembling with anger.
            “Maybe you’re right. Maybe he wanted me to know he thinks about what happened and he wanted me to do the same but what happened was painful, for me anyway. So then, following your theory, he was just using you to hurt me. And you went along with it all.”
“It’s not like that Jiyong. I know it’s not.” Seungri said lower this time while taking a step toward the slim figure standing in the doorway, a quiet rage almost visibly emanating from his skin. He met Youngbae’s arm before he could come closer.
“You call him hyung and you don’t even know anything about him,” Jiyong spoke lowly before walking out.

Seungri hated the walk home. Youngbae refused to leave him alone and he couldn’t believe that Seunghyun would be so hurtful for the fun of it. That he would send them to that studio out of malice seemed pointless and just not likely. They had had so much fun before; he had helped Seungri so much.
            Youngbae sighed, ”Jiyong’s right. Maybe you don’t know him that well.”
            Seungri didn’t respond. No one had asked him for yet another unwanted comment. No one needed his opinion. He had never asked Youngbae a damn thing.
            They crossed under the canopy of trees as the wind blew by them.
            “Seunghyun’s a bad guy,” Youngbae continued.
            “Aren’t we all?” Seungri said dryly. They had something against his hyung but he was determined to stand firm. He didn’t want to disregard his friend over something that had nothing to do with him.
            “Whatever happened between Jiyong and hyung, that has nothing to do with me.”
            Youngbae stopped Seungri, grabbing his arm. “This isn’t about Jiyong. He can handle himself. This is about you.”
            Seungri stared at him for a minute, shocked at his tight grip.
            “Let go of me,” Seungri said lowly.
            Youngbae released his grip.
            “You’re right. I should let you go,” his voice was a murmur. “I really should.” He turned around and walked away as the fall leaves above them began to drift down to the ground, making way for the winter.

fanfic, big bang, g-ri, fluff, g-top, seungri, taeyang, chaptered, baeri, top, g-dragon

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