Chapter 1Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
"So," Buffy said as Giles packed up to leave, "What's up for tonight? Any End Of The World Prophesies to stop?"
"No," Giles said, "Nothing that will interrupt your social life. You may go to Bronze. Or howl at the moon or whatever teenagers these days do."
Buffy looked at him curiously for a moment. "What do you do?"
"What?" Giles asked. "I assume you don't mean my profession."
"No, I mean when you're not researching ancient prophesies, or helping me kill vampires. What do you do?"
"Well usually I sit at home and read a good book. Preferably one that has nothing to do with the occult in any way."
"Usually?" Buffy's eyes lit up at the evasive look on his face. "Oh my God!" she realized. "You've got a date!"
"Oh don't be ridiculous." Giles protested, blushing.
"Giles you have a date! That is so...bizarre!"
"And why should it be?" Giles realized what he was saying and backpedaled. "And it's not a date. And if it were it would be none of your business."
"Who's it with?" Buffy pressed. "C'mon who's it with?"
"Look," Giles had about had enough.
"Is it with Ms. Calendar?"
"Certainly not!" Giles almost shouted indignantly.
Buffy was startled at the tone of his voice. Oooo, she thought. Touched a nerve there.
"Look," Giles said, giving in, "If I tell you, we'll hear no more about it?"
"Slayer's honor." Buffy promised.
"Very well. It's with Ms. Walker."
"Your assistant?" Buffy stifled a giggle.
"Yes, my assistant. Now your homework or something."
"Ok Giles." Buffy said, still smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Captain Derk Smith of the Federation Starship Excel smiled, satisfied at another job well done. The negotiations had proceeded quite well, and he believed that the agreement reached would sit quite well with both the Gorns and the Federation.
"Well Number One," he said, "Where shall we go to celebrate?"
"How about hell?" his First Officer suggested.
Hell? Derk thought. That was not like his first officer. He turned to face his number one and noticed two strange things about him at once. One was that, his red uniform shirt now sported green horizontal stripes, and he was wearing a brown fedora.
"Number One you're out of uniform." he admonished good naturedly.
"Permission to speak freely sir?"
"Certainly Number One, what's on your mind?"
"Fuck the uniform!" His first officer raised his right arm, on his hand was a glove sporting four long knives. This he swung at his captain with enough force to decapitate him. If he had hit him. Derk's Starfleet training served him well as he dodged the blow. The top of his chair was shredded however. Derk looked wildly about the bridge. The rest of the crew had vanished.
He slapped his communicator. "Security to the bridge!" he shouted. No answer. His first officer was gone, replaced by a burnt man wearing a red and green striped sweater. Derk drew his phaser, firing on stun. Freddy stumbled, the boy's belief was strong. But his was stronger. He swiped again, slicing the boy's arm.
Derk screamed, and fired his phaser at full power. Freddy screamed as he was vaporized. Derk held his wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding, and stumbled into the turbo lift. "Sickbay." he said, and the lift began to move. When it came to a stop, he stepped out into...
An old factory. "How did I get here?" he asked himself.
"They just don't make Starships like they used to do they Derky Boy?" an ominous voice said.
Derk spun, seeing his attacker standing on the catwalk. The man ran his metal knives on the railing of the catwalk creating a screeching noise. Derk reached for his phaser but found the holster empty. "Looking for this Derky Boy?" The man said, holding the phaser in his left hand. He began to fiddle with the buttons. "Hmmm, full power." He pointed the phaser at Derk and fired.
"No!" Derk screamed just before being vaporized.
Buffy walked to her locker, feeling drained. She'd had a nightmare last night. She didn't remember it well, only the name Freddy. She shrugged it off. She opened her locker and spotted Martin looking disheveled. More so than usual.
"Hey Martin." she greeted. Martin did not seem to hear her, he appeared to be looking for someone. "Hellmouth to Martin!" Buffy said, tapping his shoulder.
Martin made a strangled squeak that sounded vaguely like a scream and spun around, his eyes wide in terror.
"Woah! Medication time!" Buffy said, surprised. "You look like you're being stalked or something."
"Buffy have you seen Derk?" Martin asked desperately. He seemed on the verge of panic.
"No, but I don't see him on a regular basis." Buffy replied. "Martin is anything wrong?"
"Wrong?" Martin laughed weakly. "Wrong of course not, a guy who's never missed a day of school in his life, even when he had the flu, is missing! What could be wrong?"
"Why don't you check the computer lab?" Buffy asked.
"I just came from there." Martin said, now he seemed resigned. He walked off down the hall, looking as if Derk had died or something. As if Derk had died.
"Oh God," Buffy said. "Not again." Xander and Willow approached, noting Buffy's last comment.
"Why?" Willow asked behind her. "What's wrong with Martin?"
"Besides the obvious, she means." Xander said.
"Derk didn't come to school today." Buffy said.
"Why is that cause for concern?" Giles asked, making an inventory of the books he'd taken off the shelves for his personal perusal. One had to pass the time after all.
"You don't understand," Willow said, looking distressed. "Derk never misses school."
"Yeah," Xander agreed. "I mean, this guy is the nerd's nerd."
"Yes well one is always subject to the ways of nature no matter how smart one is." Giles said. "He's probably just sick or something."
"You still don't understand." Xander said. "He never misses school. Rain or shine, fair health or foul. He once came to school with the flu."
"Oooo," Willow said, her face paling, "Don't remind me. I was sitting next to him when he went off."
"Giles I trust Martin's judgment." Buffy said.
"That scares me." Giles said.
"Ok look," Buffy said, "Let's get some facts strait. One, we live on the Hellmouth. Mystical activity and all that. Two, kids die here on a regular basis."
"Oh wait!" Xander broke in. "We'll know if he's dead soon. As soon as Cordelia finds the body."
"Three," Buffy continued, ignoring him, "A boy who refuses to miss school for any reason, is not here. Four, Martin, who is usually calm and level headed shows up at school panicked and looking like he hasn't slept for days. Giles doesn't this add up to weird?"
Giles sighed. "As a matter of fact it may." he said. "I've been concerned about Martin since yesterday."
"Why what happened yesterday? The rest of us have been worried about him for a while now." Xander said.
"He called me, at about two in the morning, he was upset, he started to tell me something, and then gave up."
"Gave up?" Buffy asked. "What was he like struggling or something?"
"I couldn't really tell." Giles said. "He seemed to be stuttering or something."
"Martin doesn't stutter." Willow said.
"Yes well, he did then. I suggest we all keep an eye on him, and watch for any other missing students. I'll do what I can from here."
"What are you going to do?" Willow asked. "Look up spontaneous stuttering in Tobin's Spirit Guide?"
"I beg your pardon?" Giles asked. "I've never heard of that."
"Sorry." Willow said, dodging the looks her friends were giving her. "Ghostbusters was on last night."
"Say," Xander said, looking around the room, "Where's your assistant anyway?"
"Oh!" Buffy remembered. "How was your date last night?"
"Giles had a date?" Xander and Willow asked simultaneously.
Giles sighed. "It was not a `date', and it went fine. We went to dinner, talked and that was it. Now if you're all finished there's a very disturbed boy who need's looking after."
To Be Continued…