[fic] The First of November (AU, PG13)

Jun 18, 2007 01:35

Title: The First of November
Author: La Reine Noire (lareinenoire)
Summary: One prophecy, two children. What if it had gone the other way?
Wordcount: 3179
Author's Notes: This is so late I'm very ashamed. Written for the Omniocular September (2006) AU Extravaganza challenge, prompt #49: Voldemort goes after the Longbottoms instead of the Potters on Halloween ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

a_t_rain June 18 2007, 01:02:57 UTC
Ooh, Blackfic. Lovely. It should have happened like this, even if it didn't. Is this alternative BAMSR-universe, by the way?


lareinenoire June 18 2007, 09:58:58 UTC
Not intentionally -- at least I didn't do it explicitly since I wanted the story to be readable separate from BAMSR. I did keep in a few things that hadn't been squashed by canon (i.e. Dorcas) because I didn't think they took away from the story on its own. And I still love the idea of all the Blacks still being tied to one another despite everything that's happened.

That being said, I did wait until after I'd finished the other fic to see if I could make it mesh with both real canon and my version, and shockingly enough, it worked. ;)


themolesmother June 18 2007, 07:14:42 UTC
A very different November 1st with just hints of what might have been.

I love the scene between Sirius, Andromeda and Narcissa as they watch Bella being taken off to Azkaban. I've always wanted to see Sirius interacting with his cousins, and of course I never will - in canon.



lareinenoire June 18 2007, 10:00:41 UTC
Thank you! I've got a real weakness for Blackfic where they're still close to one another on some basic level, just because I see them as having grown up together before competing allegiances split up the family.

I have to admit, one of my favourite chapters in HBP was 'Spinners End', just because we got to see the Black sisters acting like human beings (however loose that definition is for Bella).


themolesmother June 18 2007, 11:12:05 UTC
I have to admit, one of my favourite chapters in HBP was 'Spinners End', just because we got to see the Black sisters acting like human beings (however loose that definition is for Bella).

Me too!

Have friended you. Hope that's OK.



lareinenoire June 18 2007, 22:10:03 UTC
Lovely! Will friend back!


tree_and_leaf June 18 2007, 10:39:35 UTC
Excellent: a convincing what might have have been. I like your version of the Black family, bound by blood despite themselves, and I liked the very mediaeval reference to corpses bleeding in their murderer's prescence (is that in Shakespeare too, somewhere?)


lareinenoire June 18 2007, 22:24:59 UTC
I want to think it's mentioned in Shakespeare, although I found it in reference to Henry VI and I can't for my life remember precisely where...though part of me just likes the symbolism.


dolorous_ett June 18 2007, 10:47:59 UTC
A different turn of fate, and chances for canon characters to say the things they never got a chance to say in the books... but not a happy ending, not really. The last few paragraphs were quite chilling.

A fascinating take on what might have been - I'm glad you found the time to post this!


lareinenoire June 18 2007, 22:26:17 UTC
Good -- the last few paragraphs were in fact my original conception of the story but it was just so horribly depressing that I couldn't bring myself to do it. But I still put it in as a bad dream, because it seemed a shame to waste a decent -- if evil and sadistic and absolutely horrible -- idea.


snorkackcatcher June 18 2007, 19:52:20 UTC
Nice look at how it might have gone -- a lot better in many ways (except I suppose Neville might not be as successful 16 years later :D). Nice to see a number of the BAMSR themes returning here (which reminds me, I must do a final review of that story).


lareinenoire June 18 2007, 22:27:08 UTC
Take your time, seriously. It's not going anywhere. ;)

Why do you think Neville might not be as successful, out of curiosity? Is it just his personality?


snorkackcatcher June 19 2007, 00:52:14 UTC
More talent level and instincts than personality, I suppose.


lareinenoire June 19 2007, 09:49:47 UTC
That's a good point, although I wonder how much of his timidity is due to how he was raised.

If it wouldn't be taking on a great deal of trouble, it has occurred to me to write the rest of the fic this piece begins. ;)


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