Harry Potter} A Little More Love in the World (4/10)

Jul 23, 2010 23:43

Title: A Little More Love in the World (4/10)
Author: spooky_xphile
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Nymphadora Tonks/Remus Lupin
Table: Time
Prompt: Weeks
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 386
Summary: It's weeks before she calls him by his first name.
Notes: N/A

At first, Tonks would call him by his last name as a sign of respect. He was older than her and more experienced in Defense Against the Dark Arts even if she was an Auror and he was a teacher.

He's probably more experienced in a lot of other things too, she thought.

She needed to get her mind out of the gutter. Soon, she only wanted to say his first name when she was by herself and she could hear how it sounded. She always sounded so confident but she wouldn't let herself say it in public.

One day, a few weeks after meeting him, she found herself sitting with Buckbeak, cursing herself for numerous things and on the verge of tears. She didn't hear the door open or see the man of her daydreams standing there, bewildered.

“Tonks?” He inquired softly.

“Sorry,” she noticed he was holding the bag designated as Buckbeak's food, “I'll leave you to it.”

She stood and traversed the room but stopped when he put a hand on her shoulder, “So everything all right?” He sounded nervous and unsure of himself. A shiver ran down her spine that she hoped he didn't notice.

She shook her head and looked up at him, “Kreacher called me a blood traitor and I know I shouldn't pay attention but it's really hard sometimes. My mum isn't a blood traitor because she fell in love with a Muggle or thought that the heads of house-elves don't make great wall ornaments.” She felt a little better but the whole situation sounded ridiculous now that she had said it aloud. “Thanks Lupin. I think I just needed to vent.”

“The pleasure is mine.” He said with a smirk which made him look adorable even with Buckbeak's lunch in the bag.

She gave a small smile and was heading out before he called her name.



“You can call me Remus. My last name feels too formal.”

She nodded. “You can call me Dora.”

“Nymphadora?” He asked testing the waters.

“Dora or Tonks, that's all you get.”

“All right Dora.” Another shiver went down her spine when he said her nickname. She loved the way he said it.

“All right Remus.”

chall: harry potter, p: tonks/lupin, ser: a little more love in the world, fan: harry potter

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