I just realized that I spend way too much time in my room, namely because it doubles as a design office for my freelance gigs. So with it being a new month, I thought I'd try something different, and blog about stuff I see every day- the random crap in my room! There seems to be a story behind each item, so why not?
In this entry, I'll share with you my Playstation 2. It's the unique gem in my array of consoles, namely because it's the only one that's undergone customization. This was actually a long-standing project I conceived a while back.
Out of last generation's consoles, the PS2 was the only console I lacked. Not because I wasn't keen on it, but investing with one just never fit the situation at the time. It's kinda hard to find quality time when a Gamecube and an XBox already have your attention. Then there's the fact that most of my friends had PS2s, so I'd just play it over at their places. I told myself that I'd eventually invest in one, when the time was right. And to make sure I'd follow though, I'd snag a few PS2 games along the way, as I tend to buy games for consoles I don't have- that way I have reason to buy that respective system.
Since Mig and Peter are quite knowledgeable when it comes to anything PS2, I'd periodically consult them for advice. One option they'd recommend was getting a flip-top case, so I could play imports. At first, I was a bit skeptical, but eventually warmed up to the idea.
The investment finally came to fruition last Black Friday (for my international readers, that's the day after American Thanksgiving), when I swung by a Gamestop and bought one of those fat PS2s, at a really dirt cheap price. Later in the day, I'd order the other necessities, like memory cards, a spare controller and, the flip-top case.
Of course, the big question had to be, "what color flip-top case?"
Mig and Peter have an orange one, Jean has a blue one. Purple and yellow aren't my thing. Black looks too plain. Green would be nice, but I'm not too fond of the "lime green-ish" hue (I had a semester of color theory, so I know what I'm talking about). The only other option was red. And from the
pictures I'd seen, it looked more hot pink. Considering I had just ordered a clear green controller, it seemed like the perfect choice. After all, I do have a strange fascination with the combination of pink and green (I'm not really sure why). Ultimately, that's the color I went with.
Here's What It Looks Like...
While still in development, I called it Project Aerith, named after Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII, as the colors I picked resembled her color scheme (
pink outfit, accented green eyes). Creative, yes?
Thanks to Peter, Project Aerith concluded about a week and a half ago- so I guess it's just "Aerith" now. And while it's physically complete, I'm thinking of adding a decal of her on the flat side of the console, just to personalize the concept even more. Can't really find any good stickers/decals online, so I may just to pull a picture off the web and then print it myself. Of course, that task involves finding quality adhesive paper to print on (curse my affinity for graphic design...).
Another issue at the moment concerns a slim metal wire sticking out near the base of the flip cover, threatening to scratch any disc (it's roughly within a millimeter or two away from the disc tray). I really need to find that wire cutter and snip that excess length. Luckily, it hasn't harmed my discs... yet.
It's a never-ending battle to say the least. :p