Jack Harkness needs you. To be his wingman.

Aug 21, 2009 14:47

Captain Jack Harkness likes sex. Captain Jack Harkness is easy. Really, really easy. And he's not afraid to boldly go where no man has gone before.

So who does an omnisexual 51st century guy like Jack Harkness shag? Does it have fur? Does it have tentacles? Six tongues? No tongues? Is it an Elder God?

Our answer: ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: to make it so!


It's all cupidsbow's fault: We totally need to set up the Jack-off ficathon, in which people nominate characters from any other fandom, and then there's sign-ups and writers get assigned a pairing randomly of Jack/one-of-the-nominated-characters. IT MUST BE MADE TO HAPPEN. I just... kind of don't have the energy to run it myself. But I want it like burning.

amand_r: Snap.


I have never run an open fest before, but come on, how hard could it be? La la la.

Wot's all this, then?

We want the Jack/Everything Else fic. The tribbles, the inanimate objects, the ENTIRE CAST OF FARSCAPE, as someone mentioned. If it can be banged, Jack will bang it. RULE THIRTY BILLION.

Wot's this not then?

A place for your Janto. Or your Gwack, or Jack/most humans, really. It's not for rarepairs or OCs, unless they are inhuman. We will accept alternate humanoid forms, such as Romulans and Skexies and Bib Fortuna (mmmm, Bib Fortuna). And I know he's a Gallifreyan and technically not human, but this time, folks, no Doctor. There are other comms for that.

For the love of god, why?

Why the fuck not?

You have issues.

Honey, I got BACK ISSUES (I got them from your mom.).

How will this work, then?

1. I will make a nomination post. You are free to suggest ANYTHING UNDER THE SUN, OR IN THE DARK, OR OVER THE SUN OR METAPHOR METAPHOR BLAH BLAH. The fact of the matter is that the fandom hive mind is pretty damn creative and varied, and people often think of different things. and for you mousies and shyguys, anon posting is on.
2. The nominations will be closed and compiled.
3. There will be a sign up post. I'll have some sort of slapdash sign up form. You can pick your Jack/(fill in the holeblank) at that time.
4. We all go away and type with one hand in our pants for about one month. One and a half months? It's porn, people, not Ulysseus.

Does that sound good?

We need participants!

Yes. Yes we do. Go tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere. Go tell it on the mountains, that Harkness must get laid.

Your layout blows.

Fix it then, smarty pants.

Amand-r, you really need to get laid.

See last answer.

I haven't seen any of this fic that you mention. Jack/Cthulhu?

Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness by frostfire (Jack/Chewbacca)
This is How the Universe Ends by googlebrat (Jack/Universe, Jack/Death)
Little Jacks by ballroomblitz (Jack/Cthulhu)

So uh, this is the post where you can make suggestions. I promise to make a very concerned face as you talk. I'm thinking a 500 word minimum. And you have to make me a drink. And I'm not going to ride your asses about it, either, unless you want me to.

So go ahead and make suggestions. I actually am open to things. LIKE JACK. GOD, TOO EASY. ALSO LIKE JACK. FUCK! LIKE JACK.

I have to stop now. Please link if you are so inclined. I'll ask for pimpage after we're up and running. Right now we're still assembling it, in the manner of trying to put together a dresser from IKEA using those fucking pictoral directions.

Nominations are now open over here!

The spice must flow, my hos. OMG JACK/SANDWORM.

ps: Community name by neifile7. Subtitle by mydwynter. Thanks, ladies.

we welcome your input, jack, rules, mod!post

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