Title: And Then, Cannibals
Author: Omnicat
Unofficially Adapted From: Masashi Ikeda & co’s
Gundam Wing.
Spoilers & Desirable Foreknowledge: All of the above, though nothing specific.
Warnings: None.
Characters & Pairings: Heero and his and Relena’s OC daughter
Summary: The one where Special Agent Yuy finally has nice things.
Author’s Note: Enjoy!
And Then, Cannibals )
Comments 4
“That’s how I show affection to lifeforms with below-human intelligence. You don’t think I hate your Uncle Duo too, do you?”--
I love your Heero in this story. He still can have a wry sense of humor. It's a interesting quirk of his to find interest in a boring pet. BTW I do not even find cannibalism endearing in fish. DX
I think fishy cannibalism is kind of awesome, but then I never owned my own fish. XD;
It feels like forever ago I read the first installment of this mini series with the rabbit. You know how much I love your familyman!Heero, and these three installments made my day! You still got "IT" in my opinion.
Aww, thanks. I'm glad you liked it, and I admit that hearing that is very welcome still at this stage. ^_^;
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