CERTS: I will trade a bronze cert for TWO current or future deck cards. I will trade a silver for FOUR current or future deck cards. (Anything of lower priority does not qualify.) Alternately, I will trade two cards for a bronze and four cards for a silver. :] CURRENT DECKS: Never for trade. Ever. TALES DECKS: I would prefer not to trade anything here unless I make the offer. FUTURE DECKS: These are generally off-limits unless I offer. I might make an exception if you're, like, one or two cards from mastering, but that's really it. Try not to ask me for them. FAR FUTURE DECKS: Cards here aren't as important to me, so while you can offer them TO me, you can also ask FOR them! I'll trade them for anything of higher or same priority. KEEPING/CAT CARDS: Not for trade unless I offer! SPECIAL CARDS: Not for trade unless I offer! UP FOR TRADE: I will trade these for anything. :3 Just link me to your post, and I guarantee I will almost always find SOMETHING!