[mod post] Weekly Check-In Week #1

Jan 23, 2017 11:08


Welcome to the first check-in post of 2017 for the omgspnbigbang!

Who are we? Why the official support community for everyone participating in the spn-j2-bigbang. Writers, artists, betas, cheerleaders, this is your space to share your woes, give each other support, ask questions, kvetch, squee, etc ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

paleogymnast January 23 2017, 20:31:08 UTC
Okay, no one is commenting, so I'm going to check in. I am lucky in that I have a story idea and a general outline started, but the concept of the story is complex and is threatening to runn away from me.

I can handle long stories (at least half of my SPN BB entries have been at or over the 100k mark), but when things get long, I have a tendency to keep adding and fiddling with things until the last second which drives me and my betas nuts. I am hoping to avoid that this year, but my outlining also seems to be stalled.

How's everyone else doing?


junkerin January 23 2017, 21:30:51 UTC
I sometimes use a chapter overview.

It helps me to stay with the story and move forward when it's time


paleogymnast January 23 2017, 21:47:21 UTC
Great tip if it works for you.

I'm not a linnear writer so that isn't an issue, I always move around and then put the pieces togerher after the fact.

The issue here is I'm not at the point of having a chapter layout, still farther back in the outlining process and need to get unstuck.


alexandernight January 24 2017, 04:02:32 UTC
I know what you mean! I tried a more general outline, I used acts instead of chapters. And the I try to thing of how the chapters will lay out.

But some parts are still not there.


liliaeth January 23 2017, 20:59:12 UTC
It's kind of a bit too early for me to consider starting to write, since I don't even have a clear idea for the fic yet. Thus an outlining challenge would be preferable, so I can actually get started


sinnerforhire January 23 2017, 21:09:51 UTC
I am an artist this year instead of a writer, and I am really into scrapbooking/papercraft right now, so I'm hoping to be able to incorporate that into my Big Bang art. Also, I have an acrylic painting set I haven't broken in yet, and that might end up in my art as well. I can do photomanips but it's not my strong suit, and I like physical media better. But I know I'm unusual in that way, and I don't know if there has ever been mixed media art in SPN/J2 BB. Oh well, I don't mind starting a trend!

I'm not writing because I'm doing a 365 Days of J2 Fanfic challenge (self-imposed), and I've already written 65,591 words of J2 fic since 12/04/2016. I post every day and I write a 750-word journal entry every morning, so that's as much writing as I want to do! But I'm more than willing to cheerlead those of you who are writing. I've done it twice, in 2010 and 2014, so I know what it's like. I'm currently writing timestamps to my 2010 BB on Tumblr/AO3.


alexxkah February 12 2017, 18:52:44 UTC
Hi there, I've also signed up as an artist this year... First timer for any SPN/J2 BB actually, and I've already started wondering which direction I should take. I usually enjoy messing with photos etc, but I am more of an 'physical' artist myself... I usually go for drawing though - give me a pencil or a marker and I'm good to go. But I wasn't sure whether such a thing would even be a good idea so I am really glad to see there's more people considering something similar (kind of) :)


junkerin January 23 2017, 21:29:07 UTC
I have started today on my BB!

BUT and this is a big BUT for me I don't know the end/outcome.
So should I work on this story and find the end while writing or should I work on a story I have outlined and finished in my head?


paleogymnast January 23 2017, 21:49:57 UTC
Only you know what kind of writer you are. I love finding the ending of things while I write, but that doesn't work for everyone.

Work on what most interests and excites you. There's still plenty of time that if ths story (without an ending) doesn't go in the direction you want, you can always switch to the other story later.


tsuki_no_bara January 24 2017, 03:11:48 UTC
i agree with paleogymnast - write the fic that excites you the most. and if that happens to be the one where you don't know the end, well, there were a couple of bangs i didn't know the ending to until i got there. you'll figure it out. and if you don't, you have another idea waiting in the wings. :D


alexandernight January 24 2017, 04:12:03 UTC
I think it may come both ways, sometimes you have something imagined, that can very well change midways. Or the story leads you somewhere.

Go on writing whats feels organic! I'm sure you'll get there.


greatwall0fsam January 23 2017, 22:00:29 UTC
This is the second year that I am attempting to write for the BB.

Last year I had to bow out but surprisingly enough, I am working on the same fic that I hoped to submit last year, this year, therefore I'm already a few thousands words in and signups haven't even closed yet. I feel what was my biggest hurdle last year was that I was so concentrated on word count that I began hating the quality of my fic. Since I have been working periodically with his fic, I have a more concrete idea of where I am going and how I am going to do it.

I am definitely more confident that I will be able to finish and get my fic out this year and be happy with it!


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