[mod post] Hiatus Olympics!

Feb 28, 2012 19:08

Hello, my lovely and talented Big Bang participants! paleogymnast and I are thrilled to announce our second writing challenge of this year's Big Bang season -


So, as we know, Show does not come back to us until March 16 (sob!), and I'm sure we're all wondering what to do with all that free time, right?! Luckily, we have the answer!

Are you sitting at about halfway through your story? A quarter of the way through? Maybe all you've got is a basic outline scribbled on some notebook paper somewhere. Have you lost motivation and you're wondering how on earth you're going to get it all done?

For everyone who finishes their story by 11PM PST on Friday, March 16, you will get a gold medal! This means a complete draft is fully written down or typed up or something - it does not mean it has to be beta'd yet, as you don't even need it to be beta'd by May 1.
Anyone who writes 20,000+ words (whether that means from start to finish if you have a shorter story, or another 20K if you're writing a behemoth) will also get a gold medal!
Twenty thousand words/finishing the whole damn story seem a little too intimidating for you? That's okay!
If you write 10,000-19,999 words, you will get a silver medal!
If you write 5,000-9,999 words, you will get a bronze medal!
And if you write any words at all, you'll get a certificate!
*Note: the medals might not look like medals. they might be seven million times more awesome and fabulous. you might cry when you see them at the sheer beauty.

Now, since the deadline is quite a ways off and this challenge is a bit more structured than the last one, I'm going to strictly adhere to the posting deadline - 11PM PST on Friday, March 16. That is, I believe, an hour after Show is over on the West Coast, am I correct? That means, if you are in CST, you have until 1AM, and if you're an East Coaster, you have until 2AM. You get the picture. I'll put the check-in post up that Friday morning, and you can comment with your accomplishment any time up until the deadline!
There isn't a deadline to sign up though! Feel free to decide to join whenever in the next few weeks - just let me know on this post sometime before March 14 so I know to look out for your post!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Let me know here!

And with that....let the games begin!!!!! WRITE WRITE WRITE!!!

word count challenge, hiatus olympics, mod post

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