Oh man, I hear you. I didn't have the problems you had, so it worked out okay for me until Claire was 4 months and then I had tons of medical problems, was in and out of the hospital, and on different medications, and I was like... this is bullshit. I switched over to formula and Claire was just fine. But omg the bullshit that came from OTHER PEOPLE. First I got BS from people when I wanted to breastfeed her: omg why are you doing that in public? that's disgusting! can't you do that somewhere else? (the last said to me by my MIL when I was in MY OWN HOME.) Then I got shit from different people when I switched her to formula: you didn't try hard enough! you should take different medications! you are selfish for taking meds now, you should wait! you should time your medications carefully and it won't go in your milk!
fuck that. nobody should tell a mom how to feed her kid. ever. (unless they're like, not feeding them at all.)
They tell you to express and throw away breastmilk after a certain time, then feed. But even then that can't get rid of traces of long-acting medications with a long half-life (which I was on, incidentally). :/
Hey, I'm looking for a new LJ friend since my friends page has been pretty slow. I did a couple of interest searches and found we have a few things in common. First impressions, I think we might get along. I'll leave it up to you though, if you want to add me then do so and I will add you back :)
Comments 24
fuck that. nobody should tell a mom how to feed her kid. ever. (unless they're like, not feeding them at all.)
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