Way to double major, bmb friend! the faculty will love you because you're doing something that's unscience-related... so it makes the major look good. or something like that... i don't quite remember what it was about. anyway, just a heads-up because i don't want to see you be disillusioned... grad school and a life in academic science is not all milk and honey (sadly). although it is much cheaper than med school! and way cooler, too! in med school they have to memorize all kinds of things and study all the time... in grad school your life is simply taken over by your lab, but if you pick a good one, then it'll be fun at least most of the time. and you'll discover something, which is pretty darn cool. and eventually your paper might get cited... which would be hella cool. and you could do weird things, like refer to the darkroom as a saloon and compare classes of molecules to mullets and hobbits. so welcome to scienceland! =D
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