Title : The Way Back Home
Rating : G
Genre : Fluff, Friendship
Pairing : Baekhyun/Chanyeol
Length : 3424 words
Summary : Chanyeol followed him everywhere he went. And to Baekhyun's utter embarrassment - even to the restrooms.
A/N : Ok...I suck at writing summaries! D: So anyways, this is my contribution to the EXO - crack - fandom! LOL! Like seriously,
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Comments 12
Wow. Even Yeollie here is a dog, I really thought he was a human. What kind of sorcery is this?
He isn't really a dog... actually I didn't mention what kind of pet he is, bcz I realized I might be indirectly offending him...maybe? :/
I left that for the reader's imagination. :)
Also...yes...I didn't mention that this was a pet!au. I didn't wanna spoil the fun! :P
Thanx 4 the comment! ^^
omg I am in tears ;A; what should I do with all these tears?!
;; omg I love this. <3 I seriously love this!
This made me realize how much I love my dog. ;u; ....and for some weird and unexplained reason, I wanted to share to you the name of my furry best friend! His name is Keirdo. I combined Key+Weirdo. lol ......okay, just ignore that one.
;; /crawls in a hole and cries/
haha tysm for liking this. I love YOU! ^^
n Keirdo is actually a really cute name! xD
thank u again! :3
edit: omg what's wrong wimme?? makin' typos 'cuz i'm just too effin happy! T_T
thank you "for" reading!
but rather romance, I find this more on friendship and I'll give you applause for that. This might not be a romance Baekhyun where they'll be lovers, this shows a great deal of their wonderful relationship as friends even though they're different
Thank you!
I'm really glad that people find this good even if it's not romance, because that's what I wanted to show - that there's a different kind of love.
thank you so much! /glomps u
you're welcome, this was a really cute story~
this was really cute i am such a sucker for pet!aus
sfdjghsjdfgh T_T YEOL.
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