This week we will be looking at Alex as Mick St John, but more importantly, as Mick in ... UNIFORM!!! *THUD* I know that i, like a lot of women, LOVE a man in uniform (or out of one... lol) so i have decided we will be looking at promo images of Alex from Moonlight Episode 15.
+You must use only the provided images
+You may enter up to 3 icons
+ALL icons must be new
+Icons are due August the 31st
+You may mix images
+You may use any text/brushes/textures that you like
+Your icon must meet LJ standards. Not more than 100x100 pixels and no more than 40k.
+Please do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over. You will be disqualified.
+No animation
+Post your icons all in the same comment, in this format: SPECIAL CATEGORY
This week the special category will be "Best colour" so experiment or go with a good old trusted colouring, but be bright and colourful!!!
If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask =D