I've yet to order that knitting kit I'm supposed to bring to D*con. I'll have to get it express-mailed, like the AoME t-shirts. Never got around to getting the Serenity comics. Two of the Jayne hats need fixin', and I'm up to the "L" names in one of my Tengwar notebooks.
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Comments 20
Have fun at D*C i hate everyone who is going because i have to stay in NJ and don't freak out! :)
Amazon has the graphic novel, but I think the individual issues are ebay material. Each number was released with three different covers, each with an illustration of one of the characters. Highly collectible :)
time to talk about scheduling! Hehe
John's been checking out the track websites, I suppose I could do that. It's just so convenient to have everything in the same book instead of going to 20 different websites... well, ok, not 20... :)
Anyway, Thursday is easy: pre-reg, dinner, and bands playing late into the night (if you're interested).
I'll take a break from Tengwar practice (up to "M") and check around a couple of tracks... brb *scrambles* :)
Harry Potter Panel I at 1PM to 2:30ish PM
Serenifly Panel I at 1PM to 2ish PM
Harry Potter Panel II at 11:30AM to 12:30ish PM
Serenifly Panel II at 11:30AM to 1ish PM
Harry Potter Panel III at 10AM to 11:30ish AM
Might go to a Doctor Who panel... but we'll see... as for anime, they don't have a webpage. :*
Friday on the Tolkien track:
4p "Speak Friend and Enter: Getting to know your online friends"
8:30 pm An Evening in Bree
10:00 am - Parade!
11:30 am - Lunch with AoME
5:30 TrekTrak presents George Takei
(I really hope I get to see him this time--he's out, and he's a Bush-basher, what's not to like?)
Sunday, 7:00 pm
Happy Hour at Ten Forward --tentatively... it would mean tracking down my Starfleet shirt, which I believe is in storage... :(
(although I don't think costume is a requirement...)
There's a Tengwar panel in the morning, but it's in conflict with the HP panel... oh, well...
Monday there's a HP costuming panel, but I have to be in the airport at 2:30, so I doubt I'll go...
That's all I can figure out for now; this is so confusing... :/
*Passes out*
LOL no no i'm so excited...wow 10 days, 355 days went quick man....I start count day after the day off.
the day after d-con
Oh, and I haven't copied the DVDs I wanted to bring with me... thankfully I have Friday off....
You caught me on my way out the door (I'm at the office), but we'll talk more later! :)
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