do them yourself! buy navy pants and stripe them using a fabric paint pen.... instead of white, use a grey, silver or the like. the pens come with fine points. =) i know, more work before dragoncon from the costumer who doesn't wear them at dragoncon. lol
loved the oscar comments. i actually found them pretty boring this year. =(
I know how that goes... a friend of mine saw him when he was in Downtown DC installing his exhibit at the Museum of the American Indian... didn't get a chance to go see it myself, and that was... 20 minutes away from me? ugh... :(
Comments 6
loved the oscar comments. i actually found them pretty boring this year. =(
I can't watch them. I agree with you - too many good films that don't fit their "requirements." ROTK could not be ignored; it was too good.
Loved the Viggo beard comment. I didn't see it, but I can imagine, hehe.
BTW, he's in my area filming right now (No, I haven't seen him. My connections apparently aren't that good.).
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