13 Lucky Sims

Mar 09, 2011 15:57

13 actually is my favorite number, but that has nothing to do with the fact that I made 13 sims. Anyway, I was making these sims to be teens in Canterbury Cove so that my teens would have more people to date! I decided that some of them were pretty cool looking, and perhaps someone out there, somewhere, might like one, or perhaps even two, of these sims. There are seven gals and six guys.

Morela Harris
Family - 7/3/6/2/7 - Cancer
Morela is a very sweet girl and has always dreamed of meeting that perfect someone to complete her life and start a family with. However, oftentimes her shyness gets in the way of doing that. She is also rather self conscious about herself and thinks that her square jaw makes her look unattractive. However, she is learning to accept herself for who she is in hopes that she ran achieve her dream.
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Kaleb Dintz
Pleasure - 2/8/2/8/5 - Libra
It is unlikely that Kaleb has ever taken anything seriously in his life... ever. He is more like a party beast than simply a party animal and he spends all of his time trying to have the most fun in life as possible. However, sometimes his laziness gets in the way of that, so on many a day you can find him lounging on his couch in his PJs, playing some SSX for hours on end.
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Hudson Thorn
Knowledge - 6/3/7/3/6 - Cancer
Unlike Kaleb, it is doubtful that Hudson even knows the meaning of the word fun as he seems so serious. He has a thirst for knowledge that he never seems to be able to satiate and he spends all of his free time learning. He doesn't care what it is he is learning about, as long as it is something new. Hudson has a secret passion for sports, but when he was a child none of the kids ever wanted to pick the nerd to be on their team so he doesn't have much confidence in his abilities. In fact, he doesn't have much confidence at all.
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Makyla Erikson
Pleasure - 2/8/2/7/6 - Libra
Nice, outgoing, fun, and messy are the most commonly used words to describe Makyla. She is always seen as the life of the party and has more friends than she can count on both hands. Makyla is sort of a drifter as she doesn't like to stay in one place for too long. She never has any trouble adapting to her new surroundings and she enjoys thinking back on all the different places she has been.
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Amy Banks
Fortune - 5/7/5/3/5 - Aries
Although she may not look it, Amy is 100% fortune minded. She spends every possible second of her life thinking up new creative ways to make money. Her only problem is that most of the time she lacks the motivation to follow through with these ideas. She is also very friendly and and outgoing and is willing to help a friend in need money-wise (as long as they promise to pay her back (with interest (plus fees))).
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Amber Ridell
Popularity - 5/7/6/4/3 - Aries
Amber may not be the nicest of sims, but perhaps her openness is what draws so many people toward her. She is always ready to say what is on her mind, no matter what it is. It has gotten her into trouble many times, but she doesn't let that stop her. That is not to say that she is a bad friend though, she is fiercely loyal to those she truly trusts and would do absolutely anything for them.
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Aaron Hall
Family - 5/5/4/5/6 - Aquarius
Don't let Aaron's outward appearance fool you, he is really a big softie on the inside with dreams of finding the perfect woman and promptly marrying her. Then perhaps they will have a child or ten. Aaron has done many bad things in his life but after a close call with death, he changed his ways and became a new man. However, as they say, old habits die hard, and if you are not close to him, he can seem intimidating and sometimes rather aloof.
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Cheyenne Ghent
Popularity - 3/8/5/3/6 - Aries
Cheyenne has always felt as though she just sort of blends in with the background. Perhaps because of her lack of self esteem. She has many friends and enjoys the company of all of them and has never had problems making new ones, but she's never felt as close to any one of them as she had hoped.
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Victoria Gable
Romance - 2/7/5/7/4 - Taurus
Victoria is beautiful, and she knows it. She uses this knowledge to seduce men, but has yet to find anyone that she truly loves. This is perhaps because she never lets anyone get close enough to her to really know them. She's not all bad though. Her father left her and her mother alone when she was very young and has always been a strong and independent woman because of that. She spends much of her time and money on organizations that help single mothers.
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Molly Wright
Knowledge - 7/1/5/2/10 - Pisces
You will never find another sim nicer than Molly. She is always willing to do whatever she can for others and often sacrifices her own wants and needs for those around her. However, when she was little she was teased a lot for her glasses and the words that she heard like "nerd", "geek", and "bookworm" still haunt her in her every day life. Even if someone calls her one of these name jokingly, it still hurts her quite a bit. But she would never let them know that.
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Ian Jackson
Popularity - 2/7/3/9/4 - Taurus
You would have a very hard time finding a sim in the world who doesn't like Ian. Friendly, outgoing, and just plain fun to be around, Ian has a kind of personality that is hard not to love. Ian prides himself on having many friends, but finds his close friends to be the most important and always makes sure to stand beside them through whatever.
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William Hughes
Fortune - 5/7/5/1/7 - Aries
William has an equal love for money and for people, so although he is a fortune sim, and tries his hardest to make a lot of money, he does spend a lot of it on people he loves and also gives it to organizations that need it. Many women say that he seems like the perfect man, but he has never really seemed interested in getting married, he already has too much of a relationship with his work.
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Carter Miles
Romance - 1/7/7/7/3 - Sagittarius
Carter is as laid back as laid back can get. He spends a lot of his time at the beach, preferably talking to cute girls or surfing (in that order). His love of the beach has brought him to many places and has given him many a whirlwind summer romance. It is doubtful that Carter will ever settle down with one woman. He will probably continue his life the way it is until death or until the ocean runs dry.
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As always, you may do whatever you like with these sims: marry them to the most hideous sim and make them have 20 babies, kill them seven different ways, let them sit forever in the simbin, however - DO NOT claim as your own and DO NOT upload them anywhere else (especially pay sites, though I don't know why you would). Most importantly, have fun! (And I would love to see pictures if they DO end up in your game.)

sims 2, sims, creations

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