
Oct 31, 2008 22:55

[Oliver wakes with a cry and a start, sitting straight up in bed. This has been happening for several days now--since the voices stopped--but this time, he finds himself running his head straight into his sphere, unintentionally opening a comm link]

Owww! [he grabs his head, mumbling sleepily] Why is that there? Stupid sphere. [waves a hand ( Read more... )

rangiku [ou], public, verse: crucible, cycle 1, azula [au], tenth doctor [ou], tardis [au]

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Comments 108

goldenpine November 1 2008, 04:15:31 UTC
Pretty song. What's bothering you, Oliver?


oliverplus November 1 2008, 04:26:07 UTC
[jumps at the image appearing from the sphere and sits up, mortified, pulling out the earbuds]

Rangiku! Did I wake you? Sorry! I didn't know it was on...


goldenpine November 1 2008, 04:30:29 UTC
Maya and I are having a party! You didn't wake me up, so don't bother apologizing. You've got a half-way decent voice, anyway.


oliverplus November 1 2008, 04:34:22 UTC
[blinks] A party? At this time of night? [remembers who he's talking to and smiles weakly] Sounds like a good idea.

Heh, I'll have to tell Chloe you said that. Thanks.


bit_impossible November 1 2008, 04:23:18 UTC
[exclaims] FINALLY!

Oliver! Ollie, Ollie, Oliver! Hey, can you hear me? Your iPod up too high again? You really shouldn't keep it up that loud, you know. Or are you going to keep on ignoring me?


Come on, Ollie.


oliverplus November 1 2008, 04:28:33 UTC
[is sitting up now, earbuds out]

Doctor... [pauses, taking a deep breath, his words as fake-natural as he can make them] I'm sorry. I should have answered the door. [forces a smile]


bit_impossible November 1 2008, 04:38:36 UTC
[doesn't buy a word of it]

You have every right not to answer. I wanted to find out how you were doing.


oliverplus November 1 2008, 04:40:15 UTC
[frowns, guilty] It's not you, Doctor. I know it isn't your fault. I just...have a lot to sort out, right now.


hisoldgirl November 1 2008, 13:29:32 UTC
Oliver? Are you well? I do not remember you waking screaming as a common occurrence.


oliverplus November 1 2008, 15:59:36 UTC
TARDIS! Did I disturb you?

[realizes she may have heard him more than once, her room being so close; winces] No, it wasn't until I wound up on this ship. I've just been having nightmares, TARDIS. It's a human thing; nothing to worry about. But I think the ship has something to do with it.


firelady_azula November 1 2008, 22:03:47 UTC
[Azula holds back her temptation to unload on Oliver for disturbing her sleep]

Is something the matter?


oliverplus November 2 2008, 00:45:20 UTC
[stares at the image for a moment, his expression resonating, "Not you too!"]

Just a nightmare. Remember I told you I was hearing voices, too? I...haven't gotten it to leave me alone yet, but I will. Sorry I woke you.


firelady_azula November 2 2008, 17:23:29 UTC
That's... alright.

[Being nice is slightly out of character for Azula, and she realizes it. She blinks a couple of times before continuing.]

Would it make you feel better to talk to someone about it?


oliverplus November 2 2008, 17:28:39 UTC
[blinks and grins] Hey, thanks. I'm just...seeing stuff that can't be real. I think this ship is trying to mess with my head.

What about you? Have the voices stopped?


bit_impossible November 2 2008, 02:58:55 UTC
[ooc: We'll pretend half an hour's gone by... >.>;;]

Anyway, where were we... Oh yes! The library!

Still up for a trip? [grins broadly] The movie's done and all I have to do is hop right on the transportation pad here. Just give me the word and I'll meet you there.


oliverplus November 2 2008, 03:01:01 UTC
[grins] I'm already there! I'll see you when you get here.


bit_impossible November 2 2008, 03:12:31 UTC
Well! [hops on the pad and gives his destination, then once he arrives, he hops off and greets his friend] Here I am!


oliverplus November 2 2008, 03:20:50 UTC
[laughs] So I see! All right, the history section's over there. [points] But there are also sections on travel and...well, everything. And a whole bunch of computers with video media. The possibilities are pretty endless, but the inconsistencies are everywhere. Like this one. [holds up a book] Apparently some race called the Kastelians got conquered by the Murs--except they didn't, later on it's suddenly the Jyus that did it, and then they weren't conquered at all, and it kind of makes your head spin after a while. Especially when the book next to it is all about the Murish rule and the one next to that is about the Kastelian-Murish-Jyuan alliance and how war was averted entirely.

And they're all like that!


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